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Camryn's Pov

"There should be something Ann which can help us" I proposed as I paced back and forth in this world of mirror, "There is but I am not going to risk you with that" she said which made me stop in my tracks "Ann, it's not about me, it's about Regina's safety, tell me what is that, which can help us through this ?" I asked with hopes in my eyes while Ann hesitated for a minute and it took eternity for me to convince her but in the end she agreed and off course with several conditions which is non of anyone's concern.

"Alright, I don't know why did I agree with this but....whatever, anyways listen to me very carefully this Castle has a room down beneath it's Base where four constituents of eternal life dwells, the room is forbidden to enter, those Four constituents represents the four most powerful sources which are Water, Fire, Air and Blood and those are scared Cardinal constituents which represents life for us as well as all of the realms present in the universe while each of them holds the capacity to raise up old souls and also to end life of people, in short, one who posses them can do whatever they want but there's one thing you need to know, no one in history was powerful enough to consume all four of them while consuming one would do you no good because all four constituents are meant to be kept together and if separated it can destroy everything the whole universe in a second, now if you are able to consume them........" She was interrupted due to the disturbance caused in the path of dimensions because of me being weak I couldn't handle the disturbance in between the path which brought me back to the real world, with just half of the information I wasn't sure of doing anything but for now I had to get myself walking.

"We have lots of time, she will call us once she needs us there with this bitch" the man said as he eyed me "Looks like she can't move" the other man said as he walked his way towards me "What is she ?, Why is she so important for all of those people out there ?, Is it because of her beauty then I would agree for the that" He said with a smirk, leaning down towards me and this was my time to get what I wanted.

With all of my remaining strength I lifted myself up just enough to get a clear access of the man's neck after which I swiftly pierced his skin with my fangs which made there way deep inside his skin, I had no other choice then to do this, his blood won't do me any good with the level of energy I want, it was nothing severing it's half of it but some energy is good then having none of it and so I sucked him dry tossing him at a side I made my way towards the other man who was ready to attack me with his weapon as he raised his dagger and aimed it towards me but before he could throw it Mrs. Billamoria had him down on the floor, as she made her index dig into the skin of his chest while I saw he eyes glow White and so did the man's after which he was dead.

"The audacity of this man....Christ, Men these days are so...dumb" she said raising up to her feet as she took a cloth and wiped the blood off of her fingers, "You were here from the very starting of everything, be kind enough to explain whatever Rebecca said and I know you heard everything so spill it or else I will not hesitate to kill you even if that means for me to go in hell for punishment" she was the only one who knew history, after all she was one who took care of Regina when she was young.

"Feisty just like your mommy and I see child, where you coming from but girl there I would like to correct you, no one can kill me, I am an immortal being Sweetheart cuz I am the protector of this Realm appointed by non other then Godfather himself so no one else but the present king or queen in this case your mommy has that very right to kill me or to take away my position and now with whatever Rebecca said was half and incomplete truth you will have to lend me your ears to know the complete thruth about everything" she said as I sighed "First of all, don't call me child, girl, sweetheart or whatever..., I have a name for God's sake, which is Camryn, I prefer you call me with that and second thing you have my ears, all I want to Know is the damn truth" I said which made her nod "Back then by the power of Queen Anne, Regina conceived twins and both of them boys, when they were born one of them was taken away from her by Lezabel without anyone knowing except Queen Anne while Regina named the child Samael, Lezabel named the child Jackson, as she was last to the throne of the world of mirrors and her world of dead, she made him her son, she trained him to be the best one with just one intention in her head that was to rule all the four Realms present across the universe and that she couldn't just do alone because she wasn't powerful enough to fight any kingdom let alone win it and so she planned to use Jackson for it all, after all he was the son of Regina, Emma and Queen Anne, three most powerful Bearers of there own dynasty, she had planned to capture Samael inside her world of mirrors while she would replace him with Jackson so that he could do as he was told to which was taking over the Vampires dynasty and the thoughts were made action when she secretly one night Captured Samael inside the world of mirrors and his body was buried down in the forest replacing him with his son Jackson who played his role well by faking himself being Samael when in reality Samael was held up in the world of mirrors and from there itself things took a nasty turn while Regina was still far away from the thruth as was the whole realm" she revealed eyeing me as she studied me for a while.

Now everything was making sense, it was all getting clear in my head and a blur image of what could have happened next was framed in my mind but I wanted to be sure of it and so I asked her to continue and she did with the story telling "While with all of what Rebecca said, mark my words from before it was all half and incomplete thruth, It is true that back then it all happened under Regina being at proxy on behalf of her father but she being behind it or she helping her son in all of what he did is absolutely False and a misunderstanding by Rebecca's point of view and I wouldn't blame her for that, back then Regina didn't even know about whatever happened, she was unaware of the things happening around her and that to under her name, true that she had control of everything but she didn't knew what was going on behind her back, Regina was only told things which Samael wanted her to know and that means all of the people who were appointed to inform Regina about any misshapenning in the kingdom were Samaels men, but as they say everything comes to an end and so happened with Samaels unworthy rule over the kingdom under Regina's Name, when one night Regina overheard Samael talking with some people about destroying a village nearby and that's when she ordered her close people to find out the concerned matter and everything related to what she heard back then, once when Regina was informed about the destruction caused to several people, Guards were sent by her, throughout the land for the help of people in villages at the same time Regina ordered me to go out and find out how much destruction was caused by his son and after getting all of the Information I talked it all out with Regina after which she took serious actions against everything but still then we weren't aware of it not being Samael but Jackson son of Lezabel, Believe my words Camryn when I say that Regina went out of her way to save and protect her people from her sons sight and if that's less she destroyed her heart before banishing her own son from her kingdom itself, as she took away his right of being a Black Vampire, she has been through worst Camryn, she has suffered a lot and still she is as strong as anything, she fought her own son Camryn, if Rebecca lost her 4 year old daughter then Camryn let me remind you about the kingdom where millions of people resides and they are her people, she treats them like her own children, just step out my child and ask them about Regina and they will tell you stories of her being so loving and kind with them, they will tell you what Regina actually is, they could have left years ago when all of this happened Camryn but they didn't after seeing there queen fight for them, her people, there trust in Regina grew deeper and they started adoring her more and more, people out there were the ones who helped her come out of pain from loosing her one and only son she had and she knew about" she described now with tears in her eyes as she enlightened me with the truth while hearing all of that only made me feel proud of her and my love for her was now on cloud nine.
To be continued...

I know it's a little bit confusing but that's why I am here for, if you are stuck up with anything ask away people.

Thank you.

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