B.H.C - 31

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(Caution:-   Things from here will get more confusing ahead, so if you have any questions or doubts then do ask me here itself, cuz this chapter holds a somewhat crucial part, and guys from here the actual story begins, I hope you all like it.)

(Friendly Advise :-   Try not to skip any given content in this following Chapter, you might regret it in future, just saying it for your sake, it was my duty to inform you and I did.)

Emma's Pov

Atmosphere over here was full of shock, things just went from being good to worst, it was a sudden thing which made all of us slip down in shock...

Flashback :-

"Dad, mom we have something to tell you" said Camryn who was nervous while she was seated in-between me and Regina, "Off course sweetness, what is it ?" Mr. Robert asked as he sipped from his glass of whiskey, Camryn glanced back up to me and then Regina, you could see nervousness in her eyes, "We...I mean I...actually..." Camryn was interrupted by Regina who stood up like a lioness which she actually was from the three of us.

"Mr. Robert, Camryn here is our mate" and with that said everyone had there eyes on us, including Camryn herself, but this time her eyes held confusion, Regina knew this as she eyed her and nodded assuring her.

"Oh well we were wondering across from quite a while ago, for your kind information we knew already that our daughter is your mate, we didn't had a clue untill Camryn turned 18 after which unusual things started happening in our house...." Mrs. Robert was interrupted by Camryn, "Wait...!!! What do you mean by you knew it all Mother ?" Asked Camryn and to which her father cleared his throat gaining our attention.

"Well your mother here is not what you think she is, I mean she is different and so are you my child but this is not the right time to discuss it all" he completed and with that we both(Me and Regina) were left speechless but Regina being herself managed to pull out her poker face, while Camryn here was nowhere near being herself, one could tell that the truth affected her quite deeply, she didn't say a word while all she did was walking away with Kevin following him, there was one man who caught my eyes, Alejandro, it felt weird seeing him smiling, it was like he knew all of it.

"Mr and Mrs. Robert, we would like to know everything about this then, you both know everything" Regina said and in return the couple just smiled, "there are things you need to find out for yourself, Regina. You being the next heir of the throne should know everything, and I know there are several questions going through your mind but my dear patience, step out and search for them my child, you will find your answers when the time is right and that for now it's not. Soon it will be but there's one thing I can be very sure of, you have a limited time my dear, you know not what might happen next, so be prepared ?" Said Mrs. Robert as she paused for a while taking her time as she studied us "Sometimes we keep on searching for that one thing which we need so dearly but little do we know about it being around us, maybe your answers are infront of your eyes and that you just need to search for it" she completed leaving us both confused as hell.

"Now we would like to take a leave,  Regina just know that you are capable of doing the impossible, prepare for the time as it is near and take care of her, we trust you with our daughter, she is my blood and my everything, do protect her for the entire world depends on her for life, she needs to stay alive or else the world will fall apart" with that said they were out of our sight, and heaven knows our condition for we were left shocked and speechless and whatnot.

They knew it from before, they knew that we were no humans, they knew that Camryn will be our mate ?, It's today when I came to know about Camryn being our mate, how the fuck they knew about this already, Regina didn't even say anything about her being our mate and all of a sudden things took an unknown turn it was like us getting lost in a whirlpool, it was all going smooth but then a couple comes and adds up to our life, living our mind all fogged up, it's as if we were asked to solve a riddle or a jigsaw puzzle which we had no idea of.

"Get me Alexander" were the words of my queen after which she walked her way upstairs, it felt like we were back on war terms while I made my way towards Alejandro, "You knew this, didn't you, that day when we talked about Camryn being our little, you knew everything and not only you but I am afraid..." I paused as I walked my way towards my dad "You too knew about this dad and still you kept it from me and Regina, after knowing that this would have an impact on our lives still you kept it from us" I accused them as I knew about there power to see future, they should have warned us before my thoughts were interrupted by Regina, who walked down the staircase with a Sliver case in her hand.

"They couldn't, because they are not supposed to reveal anything related to our future, I know because the same is with me, but the only difference is this time I didn't see it coming at all, get ready Emma, we have a lot coming ahead of us" she paused as she rested the case on the coffee table seeing which my heart almost stopped.

"You can't do this, don't do this Regina..." I said almost begging her to not open it but she ignored me, as she opened it revealing an almost black heart and the energy released from inside the case was immense, everyone of us witnessed it and that no one of us would deny that.

"He is here, it won't be long before he comes to get this, the stone is glowing now which means he is here" Regina completed eyeing me specifically as I glanced back towards Alejandro and my Father, "Is this true ?" I asked them and they know better to answer me "indeed it is, we are restricted to tell you anything but trust me you both can help yourself, you just need to search that source which will lead you through the path of least, your answer lies in the words of almighty, be patient and wait for the right times to come" My dad completed adding more suspense to our life.
To be continued...

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