B.H.C - 68

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Regina's Pov

I parked my car near an old cottage, this place was far from our palace and from the village as well, the only source of light was a lantern hooked up near the doorway, it had been years since I left Madagascar and everything changed, everyone did, but this place was the same just like how I left it before.

I walked my way towards the door and following me was Emma who had her eyes analyzing our surroundings for any unknown trouble, before I could even knock the door cracked open and a boy almost Joshua's Age held her head out from in between the door frame "How can I help you Miss ?" He asked politely which made smile at the little guy, kneeling down I held out my hand for him to shake it "I am Regina Black, it's nice to meet you little boy" I introduced myself as he slightly opened the door more, "Mommy says not to talk with strangers" he said which made me look up towards Emma who just shrugged with a 'Who cares' look as I rolled my eyes on that.

"Well said little boy, but I am no stranger to your Moth...." And I was interrupted by the door which flung open as it revealed her slim body, her Purple Purple eyes were glowing bright, she had white hairs and she wore a small Cross Locket, she didn't change a bit.

"Regina, hey little girl, how are you ?" I could see her eyes which held joy as she stepped out of the cottage and pulled me in for a hug, her Mist Floral smell was now engulfing me, I missed her so much, "I missed you" I said hearing to which she pulled back as she eyed me with tears in them, "I know Bug, it has been a long time, well please come inside and sorry for Regimen, he is....." I stopped her as I smiled at the boy standing beside his mother, ruffling his hair "Its Okay, he was just following your orders and he is really a good boy" with that said I entered the foyer, I took in my surroundings and I smiled looking at a photo frame which she still had "Yep, I still have that Regina, how can I not, you gifted me that" she said reading my mind like a pro, well other then Emma it's Only her who can read my mind with no trouble.

"Ho...how can you read her mind like that ?" Emma questioned her which made her smirk "and this should be your wife Regina, I must tell you have a great choice here" she said while I rolled my eyes on that "Right, only if you know and well this here is Emma and she is just a circuit, wait untill you meet the motherboard oh and that's one reason I am here for"  I said which made Emma to growl at me while Regimen laughed at that.

"You didn't change a bit, straight away business, anyways have a seat, what would you like, Coffee, Drinks or..." I interrupted her "Water would be fine" she nodded and walked herself towards the kitchen while I was aware of the eyes burning holes down my body from behind "Don't do that Emma" I said to which she laughed dryly.

"Who is she and did you just realize that she was able to read your mind??!!" Her voice was serious and I could tell that she was worrying for no reason, "Calm down and let's sit there on couch" I offered to which she sighed and walked herself to the couch as I followed her lead, sitting down on the couch she shifted a bit as she offered me the place beside her.

Sitting down I felt her arm wrap around my waist, pulling me closer towards herself as she kissed me on cheek, Emma did that when she was nervous or worried but I like it when she does does that cuz these were some moment which were not fake and which showed me that she loved me the same as I did.

The woman walked her way towards us with a tray on which glasses of water were set, I asked her to put it on the table "Okay, so Emma, this is Mrs. Billamoria, she is like my second mother, my mother was usually busy with people and there problems, I never had any bad for her but there was just one complain I had, that she was never giving me enough of her time, I was small that time, I was just 9 at that time and I wanted my mom more then anyone else did, for her the whole world mattered and not me so I shared it with my father and then we had a serious family discussion resulting my mother to give me up for people, so she chose people on me and then I had to choose one thing it was either I live in that Palace with my family for just a show purpose or I should leave that place and I chose Leaving the place but then the question was where would I live, I knew no one near me, the only people I had contact with was maids and workers.

I left the palace overnight without letting anyone know about it, I was on my way towards nowhere and luckily Mrs. Billamoria found me, well she is my mother's best friend, she asked me to stay at her place and I was hesitant about it but then she assured me that she wouldn't tell anyone about it and so I agreed to it, I learned many things from her, cooking is one of many and then things happened...well it's a story for another day" I completed and the look which Emma had was worth of laughing, I know that she had confusion but then again she was smart enough to not voice it here.

"Okay, so back to business, Mrs. Billamoria, I need your help..." I trailed off and I heard a gasp from beside me "Yo...you Want help ?" Emma asked to which I rolled my eyes on that "Emma...please, don't!" I requested to which she sighed and then nodded "alright, what exactly do you want my help with ?" She asked as I fished out my cellphone and searched for something, scrolling down my Gallery pictures I found one single picture of Camryn, turning the screen towards her I showed it to her, "This is Mother Board, I was talking about, she looks innocent but she is Satan dressed with all innocence, you know that tomorrow I will be coronated and neither one of us are free to have a watch on her while I don't trust anyone here to have Camryn be with them, I would be thankful...." I was interrupted by her, "No need Regina, I will be more then happy to help you child but you know right, I am not allowed in the palace anymore, your mother will burn me up into ashes" she said with a look of sadnesses hovering over her self.

"Well, don't worry, I have it all sorted up" I said to which she nodded "okay, so what time should I be there ?" She questioned as I smirked "how about now" I said eyeing her and for a moment there was silence in the room "you know what, Vanha is going to kill me" she said to which I sighed "You are thinking way to much, she won't do that" I assured her with everything I could.

"Fine then, I hope for the best" she said as she eyed me and then Emma "Oh and you can bring Your son as well" I offered and heard a little someone squeal with delight which made me smile, "inner voice Regimen" she said to which the boy settled down doing his previous job.
To be continued...

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