Chapter 63: Graduation

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When everyone was in their graduation gowns they went backstage with the juniors behind the curtains in front of them.

The juniors started humming as the curtains opened and the crowd were whistling.

" Please welcome our graduates." Mrs. Evans introduced and The Royal halves and the new core entered and everyone started clapping.

" Claire Janelle de Vil. Certified Veterinarian." Mrs. Evans said and Claire laughed before stepping forward.

" I chose to be a vet. To help my dad. It's to help not just pets or animals. They are part of a family, and we treat family fair and square." Claire said and everyone clapped as she step backwards.

" Hayden Jacob Friar. The next coach of the tourney team." Mrs. Evans said as Hayden stepped forward.

" Not only, gonna be a coach, but also a husband. To a very special girl. A coach once said to me, follow your heart and dreams, and I followed my heart and dreams. Now, I'm right here. And that coach inspires me to do better. Thanks dad." Hayden said saluting his father with a smile before stepping backwards.

" Grayson Gavin Gaston IV. The one who did an amazing job on choreography." Mrs. Evans said as Grayson stepped forward.

" Dance and choreography is life to me. Dance is like life. It's hard at the beginning but if you trained hard, you'll achieve everything. And that's why I live dancing with the one who I trust the most." Grayson said as he looked at Frankie and stepping backwards.

" Frankie Estelle Facilier. Co-choreographer." Mrs. Evans said.

" You just gotta go through the Rocky road to get to the place you're destined to be. Life has ups and downs that can get you to serious stuff, but one thing for sure it is all worth it." Frankie said before stepping backwards.

" Bryce Xavier Adams. The song writer and singer." Mrs. Evans said.

" As you all know I grew up in the isle. Some Might think that I'm evil, but I'm good. I chose to be a singer because someone told me to listen to my heart. And I did. Thanks a lot dad.* salutes at Ben who saluted back * And I chose to choose good, because it's where the love of my life live." Bryce said as he looked at Kenzie and stepping backwards.

" Mackenzie Feliz Harper. Singer, song writer, dancer, and actress." Mrs. Evans said as Kenzie stepped forward.

" Dancing in Harmony, singing in Harmony. Sounds great am I right? Those two means something a lot to me. It's were I grew up. And it's were I found my one and only." She said and stepped backwards and turned to face Bryce and kissed him.

Everyone whistled and cheered.

" Ellia Chandria Charming. School's drama department president, dancer, and model." Mrs. Evans said proudly.

" Someone once told me that I was born to perform, walk, and lead on stage. And I thank my mom and dad for telling me. Now that I am a graduate I can do what I always am. A professional. But dancing needs music or a song rather. I had the song but I throw it away. Now I'm missing that song. And that it will always be forever in my mind." Ellia said as she glanced at Caleb before stepping backward.

Everyone was in tears.

" Caleb Daniel Harper. Singer, song writer, and a dancer." Mrs. Evans said.

" A song means A lot to me. It's were the music all starts. I'm comparing myself to the music. A music is prepared for a dance.* looks at Ellia then back to the audience* And I can't be a song without a dancer. And that dancer means a lot to me. I had a dancer, but I lost her." Everyone was silent.

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