Chapter 48:

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No one's POV
Back in Auradon, Caleb realized he messed up so he thought to himself that he should try moving on now.

Sighs, the ship is ending

In the castle Mal knew something was up because her eyes glowed. Every time her eyes glow, something bad happens or happened.

She paced back and forth thinking what's going on and then something came up.

A printed jail picture caught her eye." They're trapped." Mal thought and with it, she called Ben and the others.

After a few minutes of waiting the group arrived." We need to go in the isle." Mal stated.

" Mal, you know how risky it is in the isle." Audrey said." So you're gonna let your daughter be at the state where she needs a mother to comfort but actually don't have one." Jane said.

" Not... like that." Audrey said in a sad tone." Let's go then." Carlos said." I'll go get the swords." Jay said.

" We're coming too." Bryce said entering the room with Harvey, Grayson, Frankie, Hayden, and Caleb.

The parents have no choice but to agree. As they prepared for a battle, they had their thoughts focused.

" Let's go. We don't have much time." Evie said and all of them hopped inside the Limousine.

When they entered the isle Mal and the former VKs had so many flashbacks. Harvey, Grayson, Frankie, and Bryce had a small smile on their faces.

When the Limousine is parked and hidden they  all searched.

" Where are they?" Hayden asked impatiently." What's that?" Caleb asked pointing to Zevon's chemical laboratory.

" Zevon's Chemical Laboratory." Carlos said. They saw someone perk through the window and quickly closed it.

Luke kicked the door open and they all entered just to be greeted by the pirate crew and Zevon.

Zevon stood up shocked." Where are they? I know your daughter have them." Bryce said sternly.

" Woah, woah, easy there junior. I don't know where they are." Zevon lied. He know exactly where they are. He just don't want to admit.

Ben stepped forward furiously and held his neck before pinning him and choking to the wall.

" Let go of me!" Zevon screamed." I will if you tell me where they are." Ben said gripping on Zevon harder.

" M-meet me at the jolly Roger ship." Zevon admitted as Ben let go." What's the catch?" Carlos asked.

" Free the people in the isle and let them take over the world." Zevon smirked." Never." Mal said.

Zevon laughed." Oh well, say bye bye to your precious baby girls. Cause. They were dead meat. Hungry sharks are waiting." Zevon said and the pirates laughed with him.

" What did you do to our daughters?" Evie asked." 2 syllabus, another term for abuse." Zevon said and everyone Gasped.

" Torture." Jane said and that made their blood boil in anger." You ruthless, no mercy, jerk!" Audrey souted stepping forward to slap him but Luke stopped him.

" Why thank you for the compliment. I got that from my mother." Zevon teased before laughing.

" Meet me there in 5. Bye." Zevon said as he left with the pirates. Evie was speechless. Her eyes were teary. After knowing what her daughter had gone through, this made her sad.

Chad faced Evie and giving her a comforting hug. After that hug Evie was raging mad before running away.

They run after her and looked around just to see her enter the dark and gloomy castle. All the VKs froze.

Al of them gulped. Including the kids." Is this-" Jane said but stopped." Most Popular Villains Castle." Carlos said.

" Where Evil Queen, Cruella de Vil, Jafar, and..... Malificent." Mal said and the VKs agreed. Just then a loud sound of a breaking glass was heard.

" What are you doing here?!" They all heard." Where are they?" Evie asked. All of them rushed inside just to see Jafar and Evie glaring at each other.

" Why are you guys here?!" Jafar asked again no looking at the rest." Where's Mom?" Carlos asked.

" Why would you care?" Jafar asked." That your grandpa." Bryce said to Hayden who had his mouth wide open." Close your mouth you might catch a fly." Grayson said.

" Where is the 3 villain queens?" Frankie whispered asking." Let's go, we're not going anywhere with this." Jay said.

Everyone left Jafar alone again." Where's jolly Roger?" Caleb asked his dad." Right over there." Luke answered pointing to a tunnel where they heard crowd laughing and swords clinging.

Then they heard familiar Voice cackling and Mal and the others froze. Mal slightly turned pale at this point.

" This is it. We can't turn back." Mal said. They nodded and entered the tunnel keeping them to a busy. Very busy deck were pirates guards the " prisoners " who were on the wrecked ship.

" They're here!" Gil shouted and the others eyes landed on them." Dad, shouldn't have known." Grayson muttered.

Frankie placed her hand on his shoulder for comfort." Look who we have here. If it isn't " Queen Mal " and her friends. And my son who betrayed us." Uma said glaring at Harvey.

" It was my choice. So let them go." Harvey said." Give me one reason why." Uma said.

Harvey glanced at Lauren who was very pale and all bruised." That girl over there. Is the only girl I ever loved than anything. They treated me as part of their family more than you guys ever could." Harvey said and Uma was filled with anger about to slice him into two when Mal stopped her by her sword.

Hey guys. I'm very sorry for taking so long to update. I've been distracted lately by my upcoming book.

What do you guys think of a Crynn/Bryson book and another Jenzie book?

It won't be published yet because I'm still working on this book. So if you guys want to look at a sneak peak of the characters for the said books comment down below.


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