Chapter 7: Drama Bitch

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Bryce's POV( end of school )

I was walking through the hallway of the school looking around getting stares and glares from girls and boys leaning against their lockers.

They either flirtatiously say hi and some others bow down. It's weird being back in Auradon.

I wasn't looking where I was going so I bumped into someone." I'm so sorry. Are you ok?" I apologized to a girl who was on the floor picking up her things probably mad.

" I'm ok." She stood up and fixed her dress and hair. She has ginger locks, skinny but in a good way.

" Hey, what's your name?" I asked her." Nadia. You must be Prince Bryce." She said with a smile.

" Yep, that's me. Nice to meet you Nadia." I said with a smile." Do you want to go out sometime?" I asked her." Why not. Maybe later?" She asked." Ok. Cool." I said. " This bitch again." I heard a girl whispered.

I looked at the girl who said that. Lauren? What? I'm so confused. I never heard Lauren in my entire life cursing before or practically 5 years of my life before leaving her and coming back after 10 years which I basically missed a lot of things here.

" Lauren?" I asked. Her eyes widened and covered her mouth. Claire faced palmed herself and shaking her head.

" I don't think you should hang out with this... thing." She said pointing to Nadia." I forgot. She's your twin." Nadia said in a mad tone rolling her eyes.

They were glaring at each other." Lauren, why did you called her " B "? She has a name." I said." If you didn't volunteered to leave with Malificent you'd know what really happened after that." She said in the verge of tears breathing heavily.

Kenzie, Ellia, Caleb, Hayden, and the others came. Kenzie, Ellia, Caleb, and Hayden looked shocked when they saw Nadia.

They looked back and fort to the two while the core was confused as hell." What is going on?" I asked confused begging someone to tell me what is happening.

" I'd think you should never hangout with her." Kenzie said." No! He's mine! You can't take him away from me!" Nadia screamed.

Everyone was gathering around. Lauren was crying, covering her ears, Very pale. The girls trying to calm her down.

" What's going on?!" I asked." She bullied your sister! She's crazy!" Ellia shouted." I'm not crazy! This skinny stick over there is over dramatic!" Nadia shouted back.

" She's not! She's traumatized by you!" Claire shouted still trying to calm Lauren down." How?!" I asked.

" Your sister has claustrophobia. She knew that. Lauren and her been best friends since you were gone." Caleb said." She was jealous cause the boy she liked, like Lauren and that's where it all begin." Hayden said.

" No! Don't listen to them!" Nadia shouted. I looked around raising an eyebrow shaking their heads no.

" She locked your sister in the janitors closet where it was dark, small, and no air to breath! She locked her! She did it on purpose so her plan could work! She planned to kill Lauren!" Kenzie explained.

The people around as nodded. The core gasped. I looked at Nadia and slowly backed up. She screamed in defeat and run away.

I turned back to Lauren.

Lauren's POV
I'm having a panic attack, people were surrounding us which made it worse cause I have claustrophobia.

My head was spinning. I can't move. My friends were trying to calm me down.

When Nadia screamed and left, my vision got blurred and then the hallway was peach black.

Bryce's POV ( A/N sorry for switching POVs )
Lauren passed out just in luck Kenzie caught her.  quickly carried her and bring her to the clinic.

The nurse told us to stay outside. I looked at the window of the door checking if Lauren's ok.

" I should've known." I said to myself." It's not your fault." Kenzie said standing up from her seat and placed her hands on my shoulder.

I sighed and we both sat down. After an hour waiting. All of us were bored. Caleb playing with his ball leaning against the wall.

Hayden staring at Claire. Weird. The new core was sitting on the floor but Harvey? He was worried sick.

Ellia was on her phone filming Caleb laughing but worried about Lauren at the same time.

Claire was twiddling her thumbs. Kenzie and I were sitting down thinking about Lauren." Princess Lauren is awake and ready to go." The nurse said as she went back to the clinic leaving Lauren standing awkwardly.

We all hugged her." YOU WORRIED US SO MUCH!" Ellia shouted squeezing Lauren so tight.

" I can't breath." Lauren managed to say." Oh, sorry." Ellia said chuckling as she let go of her. Lauren chuckled.

Everyone hugged her one by one. Lauren hugged Harvey last. Harvey hugged her tight as she did too. Iza and her didn't hug cause you know. They are enemies.

" You got me worried so much." Harvey said in between their long hug. Iza looked away obviously jealous.

Mum and dad came worried." Lauren. Are you ok?" Mum asked and hugged her." I'm ok mum." Lauren said letting go of the hug.

" What happened?" Dad asked." I met a girl named Nadia... I can't explain it. It's crazy." I explained." Nadia? Melody's daughter?" Mum asked.

" Yes." Ellia exclaimed. Mum and Dad chuckled." You're just exactly like your mother." Mom chuckled then just in time their parents came.

Aunt Evie cleared her throat. Mom just rolled her eyes." You guys go change, we're having dinner tonight." Aunt Evie said.

We all nodded and spread out going home to change.

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