Chapter 31~ Forgetting

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"You're Louis Tomlinson, right?" one of the other girls, a brunette, asked.

I nodded and added a, "I am. What are your names?"

"Addy," the brunette supplied with a wave of her hand.

"Judith," the girl who had said hi to me told me, and then she motioned towards the other two girls who hadn't spoken yet. They looked too nervous to even open their mouths, though. "They're Gloria and Lavern."

"It's very nice to meet all of you girls," I smiled, and Gloria and Lavern seemed to be close to swooning. I was hoping that they wouldn't faint; they looked like they could at any moment.

"We were wondering if we could all get a picture with you and maybe some autographs," Judith proposed the idea, and I immediately nodded. They weren't the first fans to approach me and ask for pictures or autographs, but I found these girls a little refreshing in some way. They weren't obnoxiously excited (the two girls who were close to fainting were quiet about their excitement), and they seemed like very nice girls. Plus, they didn't seem like they were trying to be flirtatious or anything; they were all wearing modest clothing and they weren't making any provocative comments (trust me, I had already had a few girls try these tactics).

"Of course," I agreed even as I nodded and they wasted no time in crowding around me and finding someone to take a picture of all of us. Then, I surprised them by asking for the person to take a picture of us all on my phone as well. By the time they had scuttled away from me with their pictures and autographs, all of us were smiling like idiots. Boy was I glad that I had chosen to get out of the hotel tonight.


I pulled off my jacket as I approached the door to Annalise and I's hotel room and slid the room key into its slot. I was humming all of the while because I was still running on the left over happiness from earlier. When I shut the door and turned around, though, I froze in my spot and sort of just looked at what was in front of me. "Annalise..." I trailed off as I walked towards her to see if my eyes were deceiving me. They weren't. Tear trails littered her cheeks and were made painfully visible by her runny and smudge mascara. The red dress she had left in was now ruffled up as if she had slept in it. The only thing that was normal about what I was seeing were her heels which had been haphazardly dropped on the hotel room floor. "Annalise, what happened?"

Her expression, which had been one of a deer caught in the headlights of a car, now pulled into a false smile. "Nothing, I'm fine," she lied, and I just shook my head at her before walking back towards the bathroom. I grabbed a wash cloth, wet it under the faucet, and then walked back out to sit on her bed beside where she stood. The smile fell from her face when the need to sniffle became too much, and she sighed while saying, "not fooled?"

"You've got mascara all over your cheeks, Annalise," I told her to answer her question. My hand found hers, and I tugged on her arm so that she would sit down next to me. Once she was seated, I wiped her cheeks clean even though she made faces at me when I scrubbed a little too hard. "So, was it Liam?" I wondered once her face was clear of the streaks.

"Why do you always think that it's Liam?" she cross examined, and I shrugged in response even though it should've been obvious. She came back in a similar state that one night, and maybe whatever had happened then had happened again.

"Was it your mum?" she sighed heavily at that one and I knew that I had guessed correctly. My shoulders slumped a little; I was preparing myself for the worst. Maybe her mum had called and said some nasty things to her... "What about her?"

"I got a call from the Doncaster police station," she whispered sadly, and my brows furrowed in confusion until she went on, "apparently, they've been trying to contact me all day...They found my mother in our home when they were investigating a missing persons report for her, and she had hung herself in her bedroom." I sucked in a breath of surprise just as she started to choke up. By the time she had finished explaining, her voice broke, and a small sob left her mouth even though she tried to stop herself from crying. I pulled her into my arms carefully, and I let her soak the shoulder of my shirt with tears. One of my hands brushed through her hair, and the other rubbed her back soothingly. For a while, I didn't say anything; I just let her cry. "It's all my fault, Louis," she cried, and her words managed to halt every single muscle in my body.

Being Normal Sucks (Louis Tomlinson FanFiction) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz