Ch. 14 How I fell for him. Literally...

Start from the beginning

I started to cry and Hunter's eyes softened. He tried to comfort me but I pushed him back. "Don't touch me Hunter. I'm not in the mood. You don't love me! Am I fat or something? Do I not interest you anymore? Is it the sex," I asked. He pulled me into a kiss and I moaned. When he pulled back he held regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry for yelling Elisabeth. You know how much I love you. I love you even more than you know," he said.

"I love you too Hunter. I'm sorry for yelling. I didn't mean it. I don't know what's wrong with me," I said honestly. My emotions have been all over the place lately. He smiled slightly and kissed my lips. "How about after Drew and Haylynn get back I take you somewhere," he asked. I giggled and traced his chest. "I don't know if that will work. What will everyone eat while we're gone? You know the world comes to an end when I leave the house for more than an hour." He growled and pulled me tighter.

"Are you challenging me mate," he asked. I stared into his eyes and smiled. "No Alpha," I said. "Good. Pick out something I'll love." "Pink?" "Do you own any other color," he asked. I thought about it hard. "I have white...and...a red dress," I said. He smiled and spun me around the room. "Where whatever color you want. I'll love whatever you wear," he said. When he put me down I ran out of the room.

I just have to pick an outfit! I ran up to my room and headed for my closet. For some reason I didn't feel good. I ran to the bathroom and puked. Am I coming down with something? I don't want to ruin the date so I'll just take some medication. I ran back to my closet and decided to wear a hot pink dress. The only question is which one.


Haylynn's POV

I woke up in a beautiful room. The walls were black and the whole room had a black and red feel. To my left on a table where some red and black roses in a vase. I tried to get up but noticed my legs were chained to the bed. I looked up and so where my hands. What's going on?

The door creaked open and I saw him. "What am I doing here," I asked. "Is that anyway to greet me? I did save you after all," he said. I watched him sit on the bed next to me. "What do you mean you saved me," I asked. "Well don't you remember? A werewolf was trying to kill you. I made a deal and gave him something else for you."

"W-What did you trade," I asked. He traced my cheek with his finger and said, "Your lover." If I wasn't chained up I would've jumped off the bed. "What do you mean," I demanded. "It was simple. The werewolf was trying to capture you but I arranged for them to your lover. Your welcome." "I'm not welcomed! How could you do this," I exclaimed.

He bent down and kissed my neck. "I did it for us. What does he really matter anyways? If we have each other, we're complete." I struggled to get away from his kisses. "Stop! Even though you made me break up with Drew, I still love him." Trey's expression hardened and he sat up. "But he's already moved on. You were only a fling for him," he said.

"You're lying! Drew loves me," I said. He shrugged and twirled his hand a image appeared and it showed a stripper smoking a cigarette with Drew. Drew was talking to her and she bent over to show all her cleavage. Drew grinned and stepped closer to the girl. "Stop! It's a lie," I said. "I have more," Trey said.

He then showed Drew on top of another girl. They were breathing hard and he was looking into her eyes. Then his head dipped. What the hell is he doing?! "I have one more," Trey said. He showed Drew and another girl in the woods. They were booth naked and had claw marks on each other. The girl was screaming and Drew smiled. What the hell is going on? "I wonder how good he would've been in bed with you," Trey said.

I closed my eyes and started to cry. It's a lie. Drew would never cheat on me. I love him! He loves me. "Don't feel so bad. It's not like you didn't cheat on him," Trey said. I looked at him speechless. "I-I didn't cheat on Drew," I said. Trey shook his head and said, "Oh but you did. You still are. You can't ignore how I make you feel." He kissed me on the lips and I couldn't move from him.

I let him enter my mouth and I moaned. I don't love Trey but there's something here for him. I just don't know what it is. If Drew doesn't love me why can't I love someone else? He cheated on me! He was probably embarrassed about being a virgin so he hooked up with any girl. I started to cry again but I never stopped kissing Trey.

When he pulled apart I was a bit disappointed. He smirked and said, "Don't worry. Soon you'll be begging for me. Until then...enjoy reality." I felt myself being torn from the room and awoke with a start. I was looking up at someone and was barely conscious. "Sis are you ok," Hailey asked. I tried to touch her face but I was too weak.

"It's ok Haylynn. Nick and I are here too," Abby said. I smiled slightly and started coughing. I looked down and I was coughing up blood. " me," I said and passed out.


Sorry that it's so short! I wanted it to have suspense. What do you think is going on? What about Drew? I want to know all your thoughts! The next chapter will be long as usual. Comment and you can get the next part sooner! Comments encourage me to write!


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