Warm Nights

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It was a cold night, afterall it was late fall, close to winter, which meant a certain bird would be needing warmth. Of course he could always get that warmth, not by a heater or a fireplace, infact, he had more of a  personal heater. Speaking of which, there he was now seated on the couch reading a small book. The giant himself, Enji Todoroki.
"What do you want Hawks?"
The man questioned, his icy blues staring down at the smaller male who only let a small hum slip past his lips as he pushed himself onto Enji's lap and curled up, resting his head against his chest.
"Im freezing here, can't I get a break? I'm not gonna do anything."
Enji raised a small brow, normally Hawks was one to pull something whenever he was this close to him, touching his chest or small subtle things. However, it wasn't anything like that, the bird was just looking for some warmth and Enji was the only one who gave it to him more effectively. He rolled his eyes snd simply let Hawks stay, not in the mood of an argument and just letting his body heat up just a bit to make himself a bit warmer. The new warmth caused Hawks to purr lightly and only nuzzle himself closer, his arms now wrapped around Enji. Enji kept his hands to himself though, he wasn't typically the one to give affection to anyone, there were small moments if you were lucky enough though. They room stayed quiet, the only noise being Hawks's small purrs and the occasional turns of the pages of the book Enji had in hand. Enji couldn't lie, the purrs emitting from Hawks and the small comfortable look the male had on...it was cute. Not that he was liked the male in any way. Of course not. How could he ever like him? The soft looking lips, as if touching them would be a dream. Or slim and small body that he could hold close and keep warm. The small hands he could hold onto. The male himself that would be his and no one else's. Of course not. He would never admit to it. The silence went on a bit longer before Hawks's purrs turned into...snoring? Enji looked down only to find him asleep, his wings folded against his back tightly as if to keep them warm too. Enji stared for a moment, he couldn't help it, something about Hawks made him do things he mever would've done before and for once in his life, he stopped to just admire someone, more specifically, to admire Hawks. He shut his book, carefully setting it aside on the cushion next to him. He hesitated at first, what if Hawks woke up? How would he ever be able to explain what he was doing without getting teased in return? He sighed lightly and carefully wrapped his arms around the smaller make. Thankfully he didn't wake up. Enji leaned back into the couch and closed his eyes. It was true, in the end it wasn't deniable that Enji was truly attracted to Hawks, but he wasn't quite sure if he was ready just yet for another relationship. He was still trying to better himself after everything he's done in the past and he at least wanted to be a good person for Hawks to love. Maybe...soon, soon he'll tell Hawks, and who knows, maybe Hawks will accept him how he is or was. It was something for anither time though, he didn't want to think any longer to get his hopes up. So he enjoyed what he had right now, a sleeping bird in his arms, cuddled up against him. He didn't mind, how could he? Afterall it was a man he, in the end, came to love. He relaxed, and soon his relaxation turned into him falling asleep as an ever so small smile was shown on his face.

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