Chapter 4: The New Uniform

Start from the beginning

I turned to them. "Wouldn't you get punished or something?", I asked. They snickered. "Yeah, I'd like to see that happen", Skyy said to Starr. "What?", I asked. "Not to brag, but we're pretty untouchable in this school", Skyy said. "Let just leave it at that", Starr said. "Punished", Skyy giggled. I sighed, deciding to leave it alone for now. "All you have to do is apply in twice a day for a week", Lucy said, handing me the cream.

I thanked her as I got up from the bed. I moaned as I realized my clothes was ruined. "What are you gonna do about that?", Starr asked. "Good thing I'm getting my new uniform today", I said. "To the Admin's office then", Skyy said. I laughed at her goofy face. I was really lucky to have these two with me. It was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Starr pushed the door as we entered, I inhaled the warm air filled with coffee and lavender.

I spotted Susan at her desk and I smiled at her. She was the first person to be nice to me since moving here. "What can I do for you girls?", she asked, beaming. "I came to collect my uniform", I informed her. She typed something on her computer before standing up. "Give me a second", she said. She came back with the outfit and handed them to me. "Here you go", she said. I took it and thanked her. I waited for her to say something, hoping she's catch my point.

"Ah", she nodded. She pointed at a room "You can change there", she said. I thanked her and moved to the room she pointed. I stripped out of my clothes, shaking my head as I saw how ruined the clothe was. I was mad bit there was nothing I could do about it. All these years, I've been bullied solely because of my appearance and my weight, sometimes it just seems so unfair to me. Its not like I did anything to those people for them to hate me this much, so why me?

Starr knocked. "You okay there?", she asked. "Yeah, be done in a minute", I called out. I cleared my thought, sniffed, as I put on the new attire. I ignored the mirror as I packed my clothes and exited the room. "You look good", Starr said. I nodded, not believing a word. Just then, my top least favorite person came out of his office. Yes, you guessed right, the dick head of a principal. Mr Ben, the asshole. "Oh, what are you girls doing here", he asked.

"Jola came to get her uniform", Skyy explained. His eyes trained in on me. "Oh yeah, the fat girl", he said, before checking his wristwatch and leaving the office. I gaped after him, how the hell did they hire someone like him? The bell rang, thinning the tensed atmosphere the idiot left us in. Susan cleared her throat. "Right then, go to class", she said, shooing us out of the office. I approached my locker, still fuming about what he said. How dare he? I haven't done anything wrong to him so why does he treat me like shit?
I closed my locker with a little bit more force than I intended.

Behind me, the twins were snickering. "Why are you all hyper", Skyy asked Starr. "Nothing. Who said I'm hyper?", she asked. "Uh, me. Cause you're behaving like a crack head expecting his drugs", Skyy replied. Starr shrugged. "Nothing okay? Can't a girl just be happy?", she asked. Skyy rolled her eyes. "This is all because of him right? Gabriel?", she asked. "So?", Starr asked cheekily. "Oh my God, just get over him already. He's made it clear he's not interested", Skyy said. "You don't know that", Starr argued. Skyy smacked her head. "You're so fixated on him, Starr. You need to get over him. Practically all the guys in this school wants to go on a date with you. Take Finn for example. That guy literally hangs on every word you say, he follows you around like a lost puppy, he's in love with you. What more do you want?", Skyy snapped.

"Gabriel", Starr replied innocently. Skyy groaned. "Besides, Finn only has a crush on me, it'll go", she said. Skyy rolled her eyes. "Yeah, like it has for, I don't know, forever?", she asked. They stared at each other, fuming. Ooh, so much drama over boys. I cleared my throat, trying to cut the tension between them. I placed my arms around Starr, Skyy got the same treatment. "Enough argument about boys, okay? What class are we supposed to have", I asked. I looked at Starr, she ignored me. I faced Skyy, still no reply. Skyy's eyes held concern and worry for her sister, while that of Starr's were stubbornness and pride. "Guys?", I called. Skyy sighed before breaking the eye contact, she replied, "Music".

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