She smiled and I watched as her cheeks turned a soft pink.

She stated moving ignoring my protests, pulling me along skating backwards while holding me up. She made it look so easy but every time I let go of her hand I nearly fell and ended up waving and flapping my arms around to stop my feet from slipping out beneath me.

~~~your pov~~~

I watched as Keith flailed his arms around before gripping onto my arms again.
It was funny. But also cute.

After a while of me dragging him he got used to moving his feet and started skating, kinda...

He was moving but still refused to let go of me and sometimes even grabbed on to the wall.

Music was blaring from the speakers located around the rink so I had to yell to get his attention.

"Your doing really well!"
He looked up and frowned slightly.

As I spoke again his eyes narrowed, but shot open when he managed to hear what I was saying.

"I'm really awful you mean."

I shook my head and smiled. "I've seen worse." I gestured to a girl who got up off the ice and took one step before falling over again.

Keith chuckled nearly falling over as he did. I felt my cheeks heat up even more.

"Look out!"

I suddenly was on the floor the wind was knocked out of me and I layed there trying to breath properly. I lifted my head to see a young lad next to us who skated off quickly.

I then realised that Keith was on top of me.

My cheeks heated up again as Keith looked at me embarrassed and flustered.

"Sorry, sorry." He said as he rolled off of me and tried to stand up.
I giggled as he fell over again landing on his butt. Which made him frown and go even more red.

"Come on let's find something else to do." I smiled as I helped him to his feet. He smiled back and I tugged him to the side where we got off and went to see what else there was for us to do.

~~~Keith's pov~~~

We walked away from the skating rink with my legs shaking and my butt ached.

"You'll get used to it." (Y/n) smiled as she adjusted the collar on my coat.

"And what makes you think I will be trying that again anytime soon?" I asked sarcastically as I brushed a stray piece of hair out of her face and behind her ear.

She smiled and blushed slightly looking up at me. An awkward silence set in and my brain stopped working, I couldn't think what to say next.

(Y/n) coughed breaking the silence. "Well... Um.. we should really... Go see what else there is." She mumbled looking at her feet.

We wandered around getting a hot chocolate and talking about school and Voltron we soon ended up at the ferris wheel. When we got to the front I payed for both of us and we had a compartment to our selves.

We were nearly at the top when I got a message from Matt.



So... What's it like being alone with her??

Shut up.


Leave me alone.

Ok ok but you better tell me what she says. Break a leg. ;)


I rolled my eyes at my friend before looking at (y/n) who was leaning over the side looking out over the park, the bright lights made her (e/c) eyes sparkle.

Suddenly the ride made a weird noise and the whole thing shook, before coming to a stop.
(Y/n) looked at me with a worried look.

"What on earth...?" She asked before looking over the edge again. "Great were stuck."

"Well at least we have a good view." I said gaining a laugh from (y/n). As she collapsed next to me.

"Yeah could be worse. We could be stuck with the others."

All I could imagine was Hunk throwing up from his fear of heights, Lance being a drama king and telling us we were going to die, Pidge would tell us how long it would take for the ride to collapse and kill us all or she would tell us how many ways we could die (including hyperthermia), and even Matt, he would drive me mad with questions about how I liked (y/n) making this incredibly awkward.  I think I would have chosen the only other option and jumped.

We weren't a dramatic group at all.

I shook my head and smiled relieved that I was with her instead.

The thought made me blush slightly, being stuck up here with her wasn't exactly what I had in mind but hey I got more time alone with her.

I slowly looped my arm around her shoulders and she snuggled up like it was natural. It made me feel really weird, but I liked it.

Snow began to fall from the dark sky above as I looked at (y/n), who had the same sparkle in her eyes.

"Um... (Y/n)?" I asked my hands shaking with nerves.
"Yes Keith."

"Can I asked you something?"

"Sure." She shrugged turning to look at me.
"(Y/n)... This is so difficult." I muttered covering my face with my hands.

"What is?" She asked clearly concerned about me.

"I... Um... Urrgg... Listen... I'm not good with words. Never have never will be. But... (Y/n)... I have liked you for quite sometime...""Keith...""Like really like you and I know that you probably don't like me back but...""Keith."

I looked up and she pecked me on the lips. My mind shut down and I froze in my spot staring at her knowing that I was as red as my coat.

"You talk too much." She whispered smiling slightly.

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