New enemies

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"Zarkon? Who on earth is Zarkon?" (Y/n) said reading the list of people on the championship league table and adjusting her glasses.

"Don't you know the leader of the Galra?" Pidge asked.

"I thought it was Sendak."

Pidge shook her head solemnly. "We wish. He was just a commander, Zarkon is the real leader and no one challenges him for his throne."

"I thought Sendak was bad enough." (Y/n) said rubbing the back of her head.

"Well I'm glad we won't be meeting Zarkon in person just yet." Hunk said patting (y/n) on the shoulder.

"Ah (y/n) good to see your better now." Coran said pulling her into a hug.

"Yeah, I'm telling you concussion is the weirdest thing ever." (Y/n) smiled. "I still don't remember exactly what happened after though, it's all a bit hazy."

"Yes I thought as much. You did seem slightly out of it." Coran nodded.

"We're going to be late." Pidge yelled grabbing her friends arm.

"What lesson have I got?" (Y/n) said gaining a groan from Pidge.

"You have art." Hunk said as he jogged off towards his lesson.

"Yes of course thanks guys."
(Y/n) sprinted down the hall hoping that she would get there with just enough time to spare.

She rounded the corner and the line was just entering the classroom. She skidded to a stop at the end and caught her breath while the teacher let them in.

~~~Keith's pov~~~

I sat down in my seat for art and watched (y/n) walk into the classroom and towards her seat next to me. She seemed out of breath almost and she had her trademark smile spreading across her lips.

"Hey (y/n) you good?" I asked as I turned on my computer.

"Yeah, you?" She smiled.

"Good actually, just trying to avoid the teachers eye. She knows about the fight." I whispered keeping my head down and grabbing my sketch book when she came over.

"Doesn't everyone know through?" (Y/n) laughed nudging me when the coast was clear.

"Yeah but some people don't know who won." I smiled as we began getting our things started.

"Well I don't remember a lot of it. I remember that you were bleeding and that I threw up." I watched as she searched her thoughts and came up empty.

I guess I was kinda glad that she didn't remember the part where she fell asleep leaning on my shoulder and hugging me. I had sent Pidge to get Coran and she started humming 'you are my sunshine' as she dozed.

"Keith hello?" She waved her hand in front of my face with a worried face.

"Sorry what?"

"You were staring at me." She laughed removing her glasses and cleaning them on her jeans.

"Sorry just thinking. What are we doing today?"

"Drawing someone. It can be anyone in the class but not yourself." She smiled looking around the room at the class before pulling a dissatisfied face. "Mind if I draw you?"

"No you can draw me... Can I draw you?"

"Alright." (Y/n) smiled and turned herself so I couldn't see her drawing and she started her sketch. It made me smile just watching her, and sketching her gave me the perfect chance to just watch.

She looked up and smiled before continuing her position biting her lip she concentrated, she would look up over the rim of her glasses and smile more when our eyes locked.

~~~no pov~~~

"(Y/n) let me see." Keith said trying to snatch her sketch book.

"No it's not done." She said keeping it close to her. Like it was the only possession that she had.

"Fine I'll wait. It had better be good." Keith smirked gaining an eye roll in response.

"It would be if you stopped moving." (Y/n) smiled carrying on she would glance up every now and then seeing him looking up at the clock on the wall, she blushed lightly. He really was handsome.

The bell sounded and it was time for lunch (y/n) and Keith's favourite time of the day.

She raced Keith to the canteen, where they grabbed a box of pizza and two large bags of chips, they then walked up the stairs to the roof, the place where they all met for food and to hang out.

"I have an announcement." Shiro said as he walked up onto the roof.

"What?" (Y/n) and Keith said at the same time.

"We, team Voltron, have been invited to battle against Zarkons fleet. How does that sound?"

"What?" Lance asked as he delved into the pizza.

"Yeah next week." Allura said leaning over Shiro's shoulder.

"So why does Zarkon care about us all of a sudden?" Hunk asked as he grabbed a bag of chips.

"Seems we have made an impression by defeating Sendak." Shiro smiled.

"We are an impeccable force to reckon with, are we not?" Coran stated.

"Sometimes you say the most random yet inspired things Coran." (Y/n) giggled.

They all laughed as they ate their lunch while Coran, Shiro and Allura came up with battle plans.

(Y/n) grabbed Matt's speaker from his bag and plugged in her phone. She flicked through the songs before clicking on (f/s) song.

"Oh (y/n), Pidge, Keith, Lance, Hunk and Matt I need you guys to do something for me. There is an international gaming day and we are going to introduce Voltron to those invited."  Allura smiled in their direction.

"We're doing what now?" Pidge asked raising an eyebrow.

"Next month you will set up several tables in the hall, and team gamers will set up a display and ask people to join their team." Shiro explained still looking at his phone.

"But we don't need any extra help, do we?" Hunk said confused.

"No, you are quite right. So we are going to make a coalition and get the smaller team players to team up with us against Zarkon." Allura's voice became more and more excited as she continued. "And as my paladins I would be delighted if you could decorate the table and the hall."

"Yeah, that would be fun." Lance smiled.

"What is a paladin?" Matt asked looking confused at Allura.

"Paladin means: a class of warrior who is devoted to ridding the universe of evil. Or in this case ridding the gaming universe of evil." Coran stated, sometimes he sounded like a dictionary.

"Actually that doesn't sound so bad." (Y/n) smiled showing her approval of the name.

"That's not bad at all." Lance said high fiving Hunk.

"Yeah works for me." Pidge and Matt said looking at Keith.

"I like it." He smiled back looking at Shiro. "What do you say tame leader?"

"Paladins of Voltron... We can work with that." Shiro said nodding with a growing smile.

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