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As (y/n) ran down the hall she kept her eyes open, she knew that games like these usually had plenty of traps.

"I'm here." She said when she reached the cell door, it opened slowly revealing 5 guards crammed into the cell with the hostage in the middle.

(Y/n) activated her shield, she was small enough to hide completely behind it.

"Uh... Green we have a problem." The (e/c) eyed girl yelled as they began blasting at her.
"Yeah I see them, Red is headed your way." Pidge said calmly.

(Y/n) knew that she may not have time to wait for Keith, with her free hand she grabbed her sword.

She somehow accidentally reflected one of the blasts and it rebounded hitting one guard.

'1 down 4 to go.' She thought hopefully.


Keith ran as fast as he could he didn't know how long she would last, she had only just started playing who thought it was a good idea to send her on her own.

He turned the corner and smacked into someone.

Rubbing his head he sat up his eyes meeting beautiful (e/c) eyes, (y/n). She was ok.

Keith smiled and helped her up. "You good?"

"Yeah, don't ask what I did because I don't know how it worked." She smiled staring deep into his purple eyes.

"Guys you have 3 guard heading your way get to the meeting place." Pidge said breaking their stare.

"Have you got the hostage? If so I need backup now." Shiro said.

"Were on our way,"(y/n) answered "Blue can you and yellow get to black?"

"Yeah we will get black you get the hostage out." Lance responded.

When they made it to the hanger Matt and Coran were standing waiting by an escape pod all around were unconscious guards.

"Quick before they send backup." Matt commented as they boarded the ship.

"Pink we are coming to you" Keith said whilst taking a seat and setting the controls.

Coran helped the hostage and assessed his injuries. "We are good to go."

Allura gave them cover fire as the made their way back to the ship.

(Y/n) noticed how gracefully Keith could fly the ship. She couldn't help but smile.

Once out they passed into the safety zone of their ship, Blue, Yellow and Black were already there.

"You did it" Allura yelled pulling them out of the game. "That was your fastest time yet. Sendak and his team don't stand a chance."

"That was so intense." (Y/n) beamed,
"I have never done anything like that."

Everyone in the room stared at her, making her self conscious.


"Nothing its just you were rocking it." Hunk chuckled.
"Yeah, you owned the game." Matt said cheering.

"Well that settles it (y/n) how would you like to be part of team Voltron?" Shiro asked smiling at their new friend.

"Yes please I would love that." (Y/n) squealed struggling to hide her excitement.

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