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"Keith wait up." (Y/n) yelled as she ran down the corridor. She had learned how to effortlessly weave through the crowd of students over the past few weeks, which she found extremely useful.

"Hey (y/n) what's up?" He asked as she caught up with him.

"Well other then bored of being praised by people I don't know, doing really well."

After their win against Sendak the whole school had been praising the team and congratulating them on their win, and now with their placing in the championship it brought more praise in waves making the whole team irritated.

"I know what you mean." Keith said stopping at his locker to get his books.

"It's like the school doesn't have anything else to look forward to." (Y/n) said gazing at the passing students.

"Hey you! Yeah you!" (Y/n) and Keith turned to see Sendak down the corridor, he was glaring in their direction.

Keith didn't like the way he was headed their way, his hands were gripped into fists as he knocked a student over who got in his way, they watched as he quickly scurried away nearly falling over his own feet.

"Stay behind me." Keith said taking a defensive stand.

"Move aside." Sendak said leaning over Keith. "Now."

Keith narrowed his eyes glaring back at him unsure what he was actually going to do.

"Keith do as he says." (Y/n) whispered into his ear, tapping his shoulder gently, not wanting him to get hurt.

Keith hesitantly stepped to the side a worried look filling his eyes. Sendak stepped forward trying to intimidate (y/n) but she stood her ground refusing to show any fear.

"You are going to regret beating me." He spat as (y/n) pulled a disgusted face when some spit flew from his mouth.
He lifted his arm and punched the locker next to (y/n) making her jump slightly.

He went to punch her in the face but Keith shoved Sendak hard in the side so that his fist smacked into the locker next to her.

Sendak then elbowed Keith in the face twice and threw him across the hall and into the lockers, once he got Keith out of the way he went after (y/n). A crowd had formed making it impossible to try and run.

(Y/n) stepped out of the way when he went to hit her again, she used her height and speed to her advantage.
She went to kick him in the stomach but he managed to catch her foot and pull it upwards, making her other foot slip out from beneath her causing her to hit her head hard on the floor, she then pulled her foot lose and kicked him in the chest knocking him away.

Sendak stumbled backwards trying to catch his breath from the kick she was stronger then she looked.

Sendak went for another attack when Allura appeared with Coran and stood in front of (y/n) like a shield.

"Sendak to my office now!" She yelled before pointing a finger in the direction staring him down until he finally gave up and moved.

(Y/n) leaned back and rested her head on the cold hard floor before looking over to see Keith leaning on the lockers holding his nose as blood dripped on the floor.

Shiro pushed his way through the crowd before telling them all to get to class. He helped Keith up and asked what had happened.

Coran helped (y/n) up, he shook his head in a worried way when she started swaying and blinking rapidly.

"I need you both in the medical room now." He said helping (y/n) down the corridor.

"Sounds good." Keith mumbled still holding his nose.

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