Separate paths

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"The rebels have asked me if I want a place again." Matt said looking up at the blue sky his head resting on his arms.

"I think you should go for it Matt, they  have just started and they could probably use someone with your experience." Pidge said carrying on with her homework.

"Yeah they could be a great ally when we go to bigger games." Lance pitched in.

"Alright I'll go for it." Matt smiled as he stood up and headed to the stairs.

"So any one got any revision plans for the test next week?" (Y/n) asked a grin on her face.

"What test?" Keith said snapping his head towards (h/c) haired girl.

"The one for our computing. We have a revision session next." Pidge commented.

"With all the team Voltron and training I barely have any time for revision." Hunk said shrugging honestly.

"Well then since I am your computing teacher why don't we do some extra revision up here?" Shiro asked with an evil smirk.

"If you tell me you brought text books to the roof purely so we could revise, I don't know you." Lance sat up and pointed at Shiro's bag.

"Um... I am a computing teacher so..."

Lance groaned and laid back down on his jacket placing one of his arms over his eyes.

"Come on Lance it won't be that bad I'm sure." (Y/n) said with a small smile.

It made Keith smirk smiling at her innocence to Shiro's ruthlessness, but it was soon obliterated by Shiro trying to make them revise by literally throwing the books at them.

~~~your pov~~~

I was walking out of my computing class looking at my revision notes smiling at the thought that I might actually do ok before laughing at myself.

As if. I thought as I checked the time on my phone.

I stopped at my locker and put my revision away so I could get it after school.

If I remembered.

I grabbed my sketch book and stared heading to art one of my favourite lessons.
I spotted Keith talking to a leader of a different gaming group. I recognised him from when we were setting up the posters but I couldn't remember his name.

The older man handed Keith a piece of paper and smiled before marching off.

Keith read the small piece of paper before running a hand through his hair in a nervous way.

I decided not to mention it if it was serious then he would tell us when he was ready.

~~~Keith's pov~~~

I leaned back on the wall examining the piece of paper again. I felt privileged to be singled out by the blade of Marmora but...

I looked up and spotted (y/n) heading over with her sketch book, I smiled as she approached avoiding students and jumping over dropped bags.

I picked up my things and shoved the piece of paper in my pocket deciding to tell everyone later.

"Time for art." She announced as we started walking, linking her arm with mine making my heart skip a beat.

~~~your pov~~~

Art again was amazing. Keith made me smile so much it was like a contagious fever that made me want to stay with him always.

My drawing was coming on great if I do say so myself, but Keith was a great subject.

I still refused to show him the drawing.
I worked on it, in my room while Pidge was in her a coding session. (Which Matt, and herself practically owned since they taught more then the teacher.)

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