"Orias!" he shouted.

"Crush them!" the other demon replied right back.

Astaroth felt his dark energy overflowing, reaching every angle of his body before a different kind of blackness started flowing out of him, spreading in all directions. Unlike the absence of light which he was used to, the darkness he found himself in now was soft; comforting. He wasn't surrounded by judgment and constraints. There was only revenge and fury now. As always.

The guards closest to him let out sudden, piercing shrieks but the dark energy never stopped moving. It would kill and obliterate until it reached the surface. Until it destroyed all magic that was responsible for his torment. Everything that dared to stand in his way.

Just then, he felt a male body pressing itself against his. Astaroth didn't need to think twice to know who that was. Nobody else would be so bold and favorable to him to survive the attack and approach him.

"Let's finish this faster, yes?" Orias whispered nastily in his ear.

Instead of speaking, Astaroth claimed the demon's lips and, indeed, the darkness emanating from them felt stronger and fiercer by the second.

So he let himself feel even more. He bit and sucked his friend's lips into his, all the while targeting his hatred against those who deserved it. He could sense that Orias was as thirsty for revenge as he was because he was more forceful than he had expected. For the second time that day, he fought his instincts and chose not to concentrate on the fact that they were both stark naked and pressed against each other. He needed to be on alert should the Grand Priestesses decide to go on the offensive.

Perhaps Astaroth would never become selfless enough to convince them of his value. So he was left with no choice but to prove himself through strength –regardless of how much he enjoyed destruction in the meantime. If he was lucky, Infervana and Inna would bend the rules of their game. Otherwise, Orias and he would have to fight them.

"What are your plans, my king?" Astaroth heard someone else shout. "I know I speak on behalf of all demons here when I say that we're prepared to fight alongside you!"

If he was about to go against the Creators, he would need all the help he could get. "Direct your energy to anyone who resists us!" he ordered. "The first objective is to get out of here."

A satisfied smirk spread across his face at the sound of his subjects' war cry. It was more than possible to win a Grey War this time. He now held the key to victory.


Little by little, my strength was coming back to me. And, although I could see nothing, I could tell that something had changed. I could still hear the prisoners yelling and swearing but, for some reason, none of them sounded mad this time. On the contrary, it seemed as if there was a certain purpose behind their infuriated threats.

Besides... it feels like my body is enveloped in something like a mist. Breathing feels somewhat easier and... more pleasant. It's almost like I can't get enough of it. Is such a thing even possible? Am I dreaming?

Right then, I heard the smooth, honey-laced voice I'd missed so much during the last weeks.

"Rise and shine, love."


A rough hand grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me up. The same man crashed his lips into mine, kissing me hungrily.

This is Astaroth, right? Damn, I'd missed kissing him.

I ran my tongue across his lips and kissed him long and hard, just like he did.

"I'm getting an erection here," Orias complained teasingly. "Can we save this for later?"

I was about to pull away and ask him what he meant by that, but then I heard him again:

"...Fuck!" he exclaimed heatedly. "You're not helping, asshole."

Okay. How is it possible for the three of us to be standing in the same cell, not impeded by gravity or anything else? Either this is a dream or the tables have actually turned. It sure as hell seems like a dream so far.

Astaroth slowly broke away and finally allowed me to hear his voice:

"White magic's depleted," he said. "I can feel it."

"I was about to say the same thing," Orias agreed. "We can leave now."

"Do you mean that you've managed to defeat the guards?!" I asked.

"We didn't simply defeat them, human." He took hold of my hand and had my palm facing up before pouring a handful of powder onto it. "That's the true extent of our power."

Ash. Apparently, black magic is a lot stronger than fire.

So the strange fog surrounding me is more than just darkness. And thankfully, I'm on the winning side.

The two demons each grabbed one of my arms and the next moment we were... Where exactly were we? I still couldn't see a thing but I could feel a strong gust of wind blowing erratically, almost making me lose my balance.

"You'll need to tame your emotions, Sophia," Astaroth ordered then. "I plan to start a war and I can't afford to lose you."

"Your war talk is so cold, Your Majesty," Orias chastised with a grin in his voice and squeezed my arm reassuringly. "The world is nothing but the enemy's graveyard."

At the sound of that, a burst of laughter escaped my lips and I suddenly found it impossible to stop myself from laughing my head off.

I'm fucking dreaming still. Are nervous giggles all I'm left with to deal with what's about to come?

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