Jayce groaned in frustration and Dylan said, "You know, you really need to stop all of this" Jayce glared at Dylan and cocked his left eyebrow at him. "What do you mean by that?" Jayce asked and Dylan shook his head. He tried to keep calm and said, "You need to stop all of these! It'll ruin your future and your pack. You need her and she need you. You're nothing without a-" Dylan was cut off by a knock on the door and the both of them turned their head to look at whoever is knocking.

The door swing open and Jayce growled. "What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" Jayce asked, trying to calm down and Erisa bit her bottom lip. "Jayce I-" Amelia started but Jayce stopped her by saying, "I don't need you here! You ruined everything!" Erisa squeezed Amelia's hand and Erisa looked at Jayce in disappointment. Jayce was shaking in anger and Dylan tried to calm him. "Get out of here or else you'll know exactly what will happen to you, Amelia" Jayce spit her name like poison and Amelia looked down.

Erisa looked at Amelia and her hand turned into fist as she turned her head towards Jayce. "Go! Now!" Jayce demanded and Amelia looked at him, tears left her eyes. Amelia's hand turned into fist and ran out of the room. "Amelia, wait!" Erisa called out for her but Amelia chose to ignore her. Erisa glared dagger at Jayce and said, "I'm disappointed in you. I'm sure if mom and dad is here, they will be very disappointed" Erisa walked towards the door and look at Jayce for one last time before she walked out of the room.

Amelia's P.O.V

I looked at Jayce and tears left my eyes as it slid down my cheek. Jayce. I never thought he'd be like this. He was kind and sweet before. He never hurt me or screamed at me. What had made him do this? He knew that I would never hurt or betray anyone in this pack nor his family. Why now? Why is he torturing me and scream at me now? Why didn't he just reject me before? I mean, if he don't want me then why did he mark me and complete the mating process? He could just reject me before.

My hand curl into fist and my nails dig into my palms until it draws blood. 'I'm sick of these mess. Let's get out of here' my wolf said with a sad tone mix with anger in her voice and I did as she said. I ran out of the room, hurt and betrayed. "Amelia, wait!" Erisa called out for me but I ignored her and continued to run as far away as I could. I ran out of the pack hospital, into the forest and shifted into my pure white wolf form. My clothes shread into pieces and I ran, not caring about the clothes.

I let my wolf take over as we ran deep into the forest and my wolf stopped nearby a huge tree. I heard footsteps and caught a hint of smell of someone. The scent isn't familiar and I looked around, trying to spot the person. A fragile and pale looking girl came into view as she stepped out of the trees. I looked at her, curiously and she froze as soon as she spotted me. I sniff her scent as she stayed rooted in place. Vampire. I bare my teeth at her and growled but she didn't even flinch.

I decided to hid behind a tree nearby and spotted a t-shirt hanging on the branch. I shifted into my human form and took the t-shirt before putting it on. I'm glad that it cover my body til above knees and I walked out from behind the tree, towards the girl. "Who are you?" I asked, softly and she stayed quite. "Who are you?" I demanded and she backed away. I sighed and mind-linked Blake to come over. After a few minutes, Blake came just in time and he froze as soon he saw the girl. "Bethany?" Blake called out and the girl looked at him, eyes wide open.

"Blake? I-Is that you?" The girl, who I know now as Bethany asked and Blake smiled a small smile. "I'm so glad that you're here! I thought they killed you" Blake said and Bethany smiled at him as she shook her head. Blake gestured her to follow him and I stayed there, not knowing what to do. "Amelia? Come on" Blake called out for me and I came back to reality as I followed them. They talked while we're walking back to the pack house and halfway towards the pack house, Bethany fell. Gladly, Blake was fast to react and catched her before she make contact with the ground.

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