Dumb Theatre Boy [Pt. 2]

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some of you requested a part two for this so i'll do it! also your comments are so sweet and i love you all so much!!

{dracos pov}

I nervously jump on the spot and walk in circles as I rehears what to say to (Y/n) when she arrives. I've gotten a few odd looks, probably people wondering what I'm doing outside the auditorium rather than inside backstage or on stage.

Eventually I see a figure skipping down the hallway, laughing along with someone else. It was (Y/n) and that was the first thing I saw, then next to her I saw Blaise.


Maybe they just know each other and decided to walk together. They were joking around and (Y/n) was laughing a lot, looking really angelic as she does so. I was so caught up in watching her when they both reached me. I was standing by the entrance but they didn't notice me.
Blaise walks ahead to open the door for (Y/n) and she smiles and thanks him and walks in. I watch in shock. Blaise then sees me and smirks before closing the door on my face.


I quickly swing open the door and see the two finding walking around in the foyer rather then walking into the actual auditorium and finding their seat. They were still joking around I don't think (Y/n)'s noticed me yet.

I hesitantly walk up to them but decide against it and decide to find my heat instead. But I stop outside the doors.

No. I wasn't like this before. I'm better than this! I'm Draco fucking Malfoy. So what I take theatre, if anything that should increase my confidence, not destroy it.

(Y/n) asked me to go the show and I'm gonna keep it that way.

I quickly spin around on my heals and funly enough the two 'lovebirds' were directly behind me, trying to get inside.

"Draco!" (Y/n) exclaims. "You're here?" She finds it confusing at my appearance.

"Well uh... yeah." Man up, Draco! "You invited me here. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Oh." She says and looks to Blaise. "I uhm... I..."

"Invited me first." Blaise cuts in. "Right, (Y/n)?"

She shrugs. "Actually I did invite Draco." She says quietly to him.

"What? Why?" He questions.

"Because I wanted to, Blaise!" She looks angry now and I just watch them argue in amusement. "You pretty much forced me to go to this with you. You never gave me a chance to actually answer you."

"So you invite someone else behind my back?" He rages and seems to try one up her. Who does that in this situation? Not very gentlemanly like.

"No I made a decision for myself, Blaise! And that decision was to go with Draco since he seems to actually care about people!" She changes her stance to also one up Blaise.

"Fine." He huffs. "Then this," He gestures between the two of them. "Is over."

"We were never a thing, Blaise." He ignores her and pushes past me and leaves the hall.

She sighs. "I'm so sorry Draco. He just turned up outside my house to pick me up and I he told me that you were in the production so I suggested you weren't actually going to be here. Sorry I was so stupid."

I chuckle and she blushes and looks away as I do so. "You're not stupid, (Y/n). Trust me, I understand how deceiving that prick can be. But you seemed to be having fun with him?"

"Oh the beauty of fake laughter. He was talking about bullying some kid during a football match."

"What really?" I'm surprised also not really.

"I know right! It was never worth being his friend, Draco. You made the right decision leaving them."

"To be honest it wasn't really my decision." I scratch the back of my neck.

"Then you made the right decision not going back to them." She smiles.

"Hey wadya say we... leave this lame show and go somewhere else?" I ask her, wondering if she actually likes school productions.

She smiles and thinks for a bit.

"Nah I actually like these things." She shrugs and grabs my hand, making my heart stop yet also beat faster at the same time, somehow. "C'mon."

I smile like a little kid and follow her in. We sit at the back which surprises me because there are more seats up the front.Halfway through the show (Y/n) places a kiss on my cheek and rests her head on my shoulder.

Who knew that a dumb theatre boy would be able to get the girl of his dreams?

i'm aware that it's pretty shit but i tried to make it like... soft n' shit of that makes sense?

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