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Yule Ball wasn't that far and it's all the girls seem to be talking about. "Omg, I am so gunna ask Draco." You hear Pansy screech for at least the tenth time today. "Who're you going with, (Y/n)?" She turns to me and some of the other girls stare at me as well.

"U-umm... I don't think I'm going." I stammer.

Pansy's eyes widen. "What? Why?"

"Well I have no one to go with."

"Well neither do I," (F/n) says, "we could go together." I smile at her generosity.

"Thanks, (F/n), but it's just not my kind of thing. You of all people should know that." We both laugh, recalling a moment when she tried teaching me to dance when we were nine, before we got into Hogwarts, and I kept standing on her feet. "I can't dance and don't enjoy it. I especially don't enjoy watching couple make out on the dance floor or girls try way too hard to be someone they're not to impress someone else. So I'm not going."

"What if we got you a guy to go with?" One of the other girls asks.

"Like who?" I scoff.

"Well... I don't know. I'm sure Crabbe or Goyle wouldn't mind."

"Thanks." I say sarcastically and roll my eyes.

"Hey just trying to help." She laughs.

[Draco's PoV]


"Okay class, today we're going to teach you how to dance!" Mrs McGonagall says. Half the boys groan and a majority of girls squeal. I notice (Y/n) sitting with the girls who squeal the loudest and she has an expressionless face on. She isn't with the right group. "Okay, pair up! One girl and one boy."
The entire class stand up and run around in a fury. I notice Pansy looking around for me and I instantly look away.
"OKAY OKAY STOP!" Everyone looks at Professor McGonagall in confusion. "This clearly isn't working. I'll pair you up!"

She starts calling out names aimlessly and some groan at who they're put with. My ears perk up when Pansy's name is called and I wish deep down that I'm not put with her. "Pansy and..." McGonagall looks around the room and I drop my head so I'm not seen. "Goyle!" I internally laugh and look to see Pansy's expression completely change.

"Draco! What seems to be funny?" Crap, I wasn't laughing internally. "Right Draco! You can be put with....... (Y/n)!" Eh, could be worse. I scan the room to find the familiar face and see her expressionless face change to shock. But it soon subsides.

[Your PoV]

I'm put with Draco. The Draco Malfoy. Oh god. No one knows my massive crush on this certain platinum haired boy. I've been really good at keeping it a secret. Mainly because I'm scared Pansy will kill me.

I walk around in search for Draco and see Pansy talking to McGonagall. "I'm sorry, Pansy, but I can't change your parter. Now stop complaining before I put you with Mr Filch!" Pansy rolls her eyes and she eventually spots me. She throws me an angered glance and walks off to Goyle.

"Oi, (Y/n)." I whip my head around to see Draco and fake smile. Because I really don't want to do this. I'll just embarrass myself. Draco has a way of making someone feel so small with just a look but he's os fucking attractive I can't help but like him.

We both stand in a spot in the room and watch McGonagall dance with Ron, telling us to copy her. I watch as other girls and guys stand on each other's feet and their own feet. I spot (F/n) with some hot looking guy and they're both dancing perfectly.

Oh god, I swear I'll die of embarrassment. Draco will insult me so much. Fuck me.

"Come on then, (Y/n)." He holds out his hand and I take it. We both begin dancing and I watch my feet intensely, trying to remember the moves. Draco seems to have done this a thousand times. My feet fumble a bit but I don't stand on Draco. "(Y/n), can I give you a tip?" Draco asks and my ear perk up. "Look up."

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