Dumb Theatre Boy [Pt. 1]

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hey i updated pt 2 of quidditch and also published another cheesy chapter but i published both at the same time and the pt 2 got less reads than the cheesy chapter even though it's first in the sequence. im saying this because i don't know if ya'll got a notification or accidentally skipped it due to me having to change the order of chapters if that makes sense? anyway heads up it's there and i haven't forgotten. not in love with the quidditch chapters tbh but hopefully you might like it??


{draco's pov}

I was walking down the hall in between Crabbe and Goyle. I did indeed have a frown on my face as it was incredibly embarrassing to be seen with the biggest losers in the school, but they refuse to leave me alone. With them insisting to walk with me every single time we have drama for over year eventually made me one of the biggest losers in the school, too.

I huffed as we got laughs. Mainly because the two dipshits were stuffing their faces with donuts and laughing with their mouths wide open, giving everyone a revolting view of the chewed up food inside. Absolutely disgusting.

With my head hung lower than usual, I started to walk faster which is an unusual speed for a normal person to go at, but I was desperate to get away from them.

Even with me meters in front of Crabbe and Goyle, I was still a loser people laughed at. A dumb theatre kid was all.

I let out a large sigh as I saw my class coming closer into view. It was true, your entire social life is thrown down the drain when you take this class and are in almost every school production. Students only go to watch so they can make fun of us later.

It never bothered the other theatre kids, we were a family after all and we needed no one else, but it bothered me. As soon as I got accepted into my first school production... no... as soon as I mentioned the word 'audition'... that was when I lost my reputation and friends.

Blaise will no longer talk to me. He's got his own 'gang' now, which would never include me ever again as it seems. Blaise, Pansy, Theodore Nott, Marcus Flint, even Pike for Christ's sake! It was strange to think that all of us would go around haunting people's dreams, no one would dare to even look at us. Now they're all my biggest bullies.

I want to just yell a big "fuck you I don't need you anyway!" to them, but I know it would only end in my laying lifeless on the ground with my balls chopped off.

Potter and his gang of fuckers got pretty popular too, because of me! But fuck em who needs em.


"Alrighty class hand in your scripts!" The bell had rung for the end of drama. "You can leave afterwards and don't forget to tell your parents about extra rehearsal for those of you who are in the production. Which is all of you."

The teacher mumbled the last bit, probably being sick of this class already. "And wait! Draco please see me before you leave!" He adds.

I sigh and slouch over to the teachers desk. "Yes, Mr. Flitwick?"

"Draco, take a seat." I look at the chair he gestures to but don't sit, wanting to make a quick leave. "Why haven't I seen your same on the auditions sheet? You're one of our best actors and I was concerned when I never saw your name appear. Is there a problem with the dates or something?"

I shake my head and sigh. "Actually I wanted to talk to you about that. I uhm... don't think I'll be joining this year. Or next. In fact I was wondering if I could possibly... change my drama class to another class."

Mr. Flitwick sighed and didn't seem to surprised by my requests. "I always thought this day would come. Draco, my best student, leaving because of his 'reputation'. You know it's already lost, son?"

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