It was all a Dare [Pt. 1]

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thanks to my spammers as per usual. love you all! read all your comments! didn't reply to any this time but seriously your comments make my day! and as per usual, stay sexy, my lovelies! ^-^

{draco's pov}

I sigh as it gets to me in the circle. I was now currently sitting in a circle with all of the Slytherins in my year playing truth or dare. No idea why, I guess everyone just got bored and decided to do something for once.

"Okay, Draco, truth or dare?" Goyle asks.

I roll my eyes and let out another exasperated sigh. "Dare." I mumble.

I can see them thinking for a bit and some whispering other things in each others ears. Eventually Crabb looks up to me.

"Alright Draco, you know that Ravenclaw chick that has a crush on you?" He asks.

I think for a second of Luna and Cho then realise "You mean (Y/n)?" They all nod. "Yeah what about that brat?"

"Well the Yule Ball is coming up." I raise my eyebrow in confusion although I think I know what they're going to say already. "Ask her to go. Spend the whole night with her. You can't leave her side and act as though you love her or something."

I sigh. "Really? That's a stupid dare." I tut.

"Are you chickening out?"

"What, no. I'm not chickening out. But what if I had plans to go with someone else?" I ask.

"Do you?" I look around the circle and see a bunch of girls that I would rather jump off a cliff than go with. I then shake my head and sigh.

"No... no I don't."


I watch as her eyes widen in disbelief. "Y-you're serious?" She asks and I just give her a bored look then nod. "O-okay... yeah I'll go with you." I can see her trying to fight off a grin.

"Okay, I'll meet you outside the hall then." At that, I let out another sigh and walk away from (Y/n).


As said, I waited outside the hall. I see other girls walking past in flashy dresses and high heals. I see Harry and Ron linked arms with some twins and Hermione coming in after a while. She gives me a confused look before entering the room.

I wait a little longer and start wondering if she really is going to turn up. I'm about to walk into the hall when I hear feet at a fast pace coming down. "Luna I already said... it was fake! I don't think he actually want-"

"Shut up, (Y/n), and go!" At that I see (Y/n) get pushed out from around the corner, followed by Luna. She smiles and walks away as I look at (Y/n).

She's wearing a black and blue dress with one strap [Media]. As I look down I realise that she's actually wearing sneakers, too.

"Umm... why are you wearing those?" I ask, pointing to her feet.

She shrugs. "Well... I suck ass at dancing and expected I'd be worse at it if I was wearing heals." She awkwardly laughs and scratches the back of her neck. "B-but... we don't have to even dance at all if you don't wanna?"

Honestly I kind of feel bad for her. Everyone knows how much she likes me and all I do is ignore her and now that I'm doing this, I feel really bad. But I ignore it.

"Ready?" I ask and she nods.

"Wait, Draco!" I stop and look at her. "Y-you don't have to  walk in with me. You can go first and I'll wait a bit?"

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