Drunco Malfoy [Pt. 3]

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OML I THOUGHT I'D JUST LEAVE IT ON A CLIFFHANGER BUT YOU GUYS ARE JUST TOO PERSUADING. I MEAN I LOVE YOU TO BITS BUT GUYS C'MON! Okay, once again it's the least I can do for all of you since you say things like;

But thank you so much for all of your support and I'm actually going through some rough times that you probably don't rly care about but still I love you to bits and you make it all better so thank you so so so much! ^-^ Anyways, here it is!!

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But thank you so much for all of your support and I'm actually going through some rough times that you probably don't rly care about but still I love you to bits and you make it all better so thank you so so so much! ^-^ Anyways, here it is!!

[Y/n's PoV]

Now that I think about it, Drunco didn't smell or taste that drunk. I'm starting to think if he really was just Draco and not Drunco. Huh...

I wander aimlessly down hall to the girls dorm and plop myself onto my bed. That's when a very angry Pansy bursts through the door and hauls me onto my feet.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She screeches way too loudly and high pictched for my - or anyone else's - liking.

"What?" I question.

"You and Draco. My Draco!"

"Pansy last time I checked..." I slowly push her off me, "no one owns a person. He is his own self. Now back the fuck up before I beat you the fuck up." She huffs and slams me against a wall, causing me to hiss in pain.


"Ladies, ladies, please... calm your fucking tits." We both simultaneously look to the side to see Draco standing with his arms folding over his chest. "No need to fight over me." He flirts.

"Oh my gosh, Dracey! S-she a-attacked me!" Pansy steps away from me and acts hurt.

I roll my eyes and mock her. "Oh. My. Fricken. Gosh!" I say in the girliest voice I can muster. "I just can't even! Why would you say something like that?!" My voice is just as annoyingly high pitched as hers. "I-I thought we were friends." And now I start fake crying.

Damn, I should be in the acting business! Screw Hogwarts. Okay nvm I love this school more than Drunco.


Draco seems to find my little act quite funny as Pansy just glares daggers into my soul. "You fuckin-"

"Hey now, Pansy, there's no need for fucking profanities." Draco calms her with a ;oght chuckle at his joke. I laugh quietly, too.

That's when Pansy butts in with her horrific laughter. "Oh my gosh, Dracey you're so funny!" She squeals.

"Okay, I can't take this. Her voice is actually haunting me already. I'm going for a walk." At that, I leave the room.

I get about halfway down a hall when I hear footsteps running behind me. "(Y/n)! Wait!" I turn and see Draco standing there. "Sorry, it took a while to get Pansy off me." He awkwardly chuckles.

"It's okay, I wasn't really expecting you to follow me anyway." I scratch the back of my neck till it dawns on me; "Hey, aren't you meant to be drunk?" I raise my eyebrow and he just laughs.

"Yeah, I was. But I guess your confession of lust towards me revived me from my drunken state." he says jokingly, putting his hand on his chest as if he's superior.

"Hey! Technically you confessed first! And I never said lust" I fight back.

"Haha, okay. Goyle helped me and gave me water instead of butterbeer. So I'm not actually drunk at all."

My eyes widen in more realisation. "So... you do...."

"Yes... (Y/n).... I wuv chu~" He says in a joke Drunco. I smile as he pushes me against a wall and connects our lips. It's not like we haven't kissed before but something about it made it feel more... real. Maybe because he wasn't pretending to be drunk and I know it's real.
I know he wuvs me and I wuv him, too.

I wuv chu, too, Drunco.

I didn't edit it I'm sorry but I just want to let you know how much I actually love you. You may have heard it all before but seriously you guys made me cry out of happiness and that's the closest I've gotten to being happy in a while.

You guys make me remember that there's good things in my life and I know it sounds cheesy but seriously! I love you with everything I have! <3

So once again, STAY SEXY! <3 ^-^

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