Drunco Malfoy [Pt. 2]

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Thanks to v_lester and qwerty1234695600 for requesting part two and also spamming my notifications with votes and comments. Love seeing that from all of you! <3 ^-^ So as requested by my lovely snowflakes, I shall do a part two seeing as a lot of others loved the first part! Writing your requests is the least I can do for all of you! Love ya loads!

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!

Draco Malfoy kissed me! ME! Drunk and not drunk. He kissed me TWICE! AHH!

I was very confused as to why I was feeling like this. I don't usually act like this normally but ever since that happened, everything just changed inside me!


I am currently walking down the hall when I see him. He spots me almost instantly and sends a seductive wink my way. I play it off cool by smirking back but once he passes, my eyes widen and my breathing becomes uneven. I get a couple of awkward stares from the few people still wandering around but other than that, I'm pretty much completely alone. Until...

"Hey, (Y/n). I think we should- Oh my lord, are you okay?" I whip my head up to see Draco leaning over and looking at my red face. I instantly straighten up and steady my breathing.

"Yeah, perfect. Anyway, you think we should what?" I cough awkwardly. Draco laughs slightly and clears his throat.

"Umm... I was saying I think we should talk about what happened. Because for the past few days since it's happened, all we've been doing is winking and smirking at each other, haha." He laughs and as do I but fakely.

"Uh yeah sure. Fine by me." I shrug acting as if it's no big deal.

"Umm... do you care?" He asks, but I keep my cool act.

"Well sure I guess. If it does to you then I don't mind." Draco hangs his head low.

"Oh." He then looks up again and smiles. "Well, m-maybe later, eh? I gotta go." At that he just leaves. Straight away.

What? What did I do wrong? Oh god I acted as if I didn't care and I think he has the same feelings towards me that I have towards him. Crap, crap, crap!

I turn around but Draco has already disappeared around the corner.

Great you fucktard! You've fucked up once again!

I scoff at myself and walk away, taking the long route to the commons.


"Remind me again, why are we having yet another party?" It's been three weeks and Draco has been vividly avoiding me the whole time. And yes, Slytherin was getting drunk off their asses again.

"Well it's Pansy's birthday... in three days... but she was hoping that Draco would get drunk and kiss her this time. I over heard her talking to herself about it." (F/n) replies. I've been talking to her recently and it turns out she's actually pretty cool. But unfortunately, we're both quite different. Eg, she loves party's and getting drunk.

I scoff. "She talks to herself?"

(F/n) laughs. "Yeah! She was like; 'He's gonna kiss you this time! He loves you!'" I burst out laughing at this.

"Oh my lord, she's bonkers!" Tears were threatening to spill out of laughter, same with (F/n). 

"Oooo.... (Y/n), I think you have an admirer!" I look at her confused after recovering from my laughing fit. She nods her head in a direction where I notice Draco sitting alone in a corner and he was indeed staring at me.

As soon as he spots me looking, he instantly whips his head and down stares at his butterbeer. I watch as he stares intensely at his drink then suddenly skulls it. "Shit... he's thirsty." (F/n) laughs besides me who was also watching Draco.

Draco then proceeds to stand up, dizzy, clearly tipsy already, and stands on the table just like last time, then grabs Pansy and slams his lips against hers. "Really thirsty." (F/n) adds.

My eyes widen and I feel a lump in my throat. The only thing stopping me from crying is thinking about the joke (F/n) made about him being so thirsty that he'd go for Pansy. He then grabs what seems to be Goyle's drink and skulls that, too. Then another. He can barely stand at this point and is now completely drunk.

Pansy then walks closer and is leaning in, clearly ready for another kiss. But just like last time, Draco pushes her off. "NO!" He screams. "I SHALL NOT KISS THE SAME WHORE TWICE!" I can see Pansy getting visibly angry and jumps off the table. Draco's eyes scan the room and land on me, once again.

Oh for fucks sake!

He jumps off and walks over to me, tripping and dizzy. The line he's walking in is as straight as I used to think his sexuality was. Which is not very straight at all.

He then looks me up and down, licks his lips and says; "I'm hella drunk..." His words are slurred as he slams me against a wall and presses his lips tight against mine. "Let's get a room, baby." He says once we part.

I nod my head even though I have no intentions on sleeping with a drunk man. My guess is he'll pass out by the time we get to his dorm.

"CHUG CHUG CHUG!" We both look around and see people are now focused on people chugging down butterbeer as fast as they can, getting the attention off of us. I look over to (F/n) and nod my head towards Draco as if to say 'Sorry, gotta deal with this dufus.' She clearly gets my message and nods before joining in with the chants.


I drop Drunco on his bed and begin to make my way out of the room until; "Wait!" I turn and see Draco sitting up clumsily in his bed. "Staaay~~" I sigh and decide to just sit with him until he passes out. As soon as I sit next to him, he rests his head on my shoulder but I don't bother to move it.

"Draco, I think you should get some rest." When I say this, he rests his hand on my thigh.

"Noo~" He complains. "I wunna stay wit chu~~~" I sigh and lie his body down on the bed and he closes his eyes.

I stare at the sleeping [passed out] beauty a little longer before deciding it's best to leave before a bunch of drunk males stumble in. "I wuv chu~" I turn around and see Draco's eyes half open and staring at me before closing again and he rolls onto his stomach.

"I love you, too, Draco." I say quietly before leaving.

Too bad I only had the guts to tell him that when he's passed out drunk.

[Draco's PoV]

I have to remember to thank Goyle later for helping me replace the butterbeer with water.

Sorry it's been a while! My counsellor is on maternity leave!! Now don't get me wrong, I'm so happy for her that she finally has a child but I also no longer have anyone to talk to right now.

Also, I'm the stage manager for this huge production at my school and have to write a script for the next show for semester 2 but I'll try my best to update asap!

Anyway, thanks for existing and stay sexy, my lovelies. I seriously love every. single. one of you! 12k reads, wtf?! Love y'all so much! <3 ^-^

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