Abused [Pt. 1]

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this was a short imagine requested by instant-coffee101
remember guys if you have a requests or an idea please dm it to me cos i can't go through all my notifications anymore, there are 200-300 daily and sometimes 600+ (which i am very grateful for, thank you lovelies!) i only go on the ones from my latest chapter so if you want a chapter to be done dm me and i will definitely do it!
Also I just realised that this was chapter 99 not the previous one. So the next chapter will be CHAPTER 100!
been a while since i've said this but...
as per usual, stay sexy, my lovelies <3

{your pov}

He grips my wrist tighter and slams me against the wall, sending a painful shot through my body.

"What did you say?" His voice is low and full of venom.

"I-I-" I stammer and he slaps me. A burning tingle stays in it's place.

"I asked you a question!" His voice raises and he hits me again. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" I flinch at how loud he's yelling.

I cower away from his glare and look at the floor, whimpering.

He grabs my collar and throws me to the ground and I hit my head. Hard.
He kicks my gut once then twice.

"ANSWER ME!" Before his foot could collide with me again, there's another voice.

"What's going on here?!" I don't look up at the one who spoke, just look sheepishly at the floor while trying to catch my breath while clutching my stomach.

"Fuck off!" My boyfriend yells. "This is none of your business!"

"Why are you hurting her?!" The other voice says.

"What's it to you? She's my girlfriend!" He screams back. I see his feet walk away from me and most likely towards the other man speaking.
I cough violently and I can feel their gazes on me as blood splatters out my mouth.

"WHAT THE FUCK BRO? THIS IS NOT HOW YOU TREAT A GIRL!" The other voice sounds scaring and dangerous; not a kind of person I want to be caught in trouble with.

"I TREAT HER ANY WAY I WISH!" My boyfriend matched his tone and volume.

Without any more words being exchanged, I hear a violent hit and a grunt. "WHAT THE FUCK?" My boyfriend screams and I can hear them begin fighting. Not with words.

I use as much energy as possible to look up and see flashes of platinum fighting with my... "boyfriend".

"LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE!" The platinum boy yells. I strain to look at him but my head hurts from holding it up for too long.

There are no words being exchanged anymore but I can practically hear them glaring at each other. Eventually I hear:
"Fine. I never loved her anyway." I see feet come closer to me and the voice say. "Fuck you. Slut." I don't know how I'm a slut. I've never cheated on him. He's just an arse.

Hit foot moves back and about to kick again until the other voice says "Don't. You. Fucking. Dare." His voice sends chills down my spine and my "ex" grunts and storms off.

I close my eyes from exhaustion though I really want to thank my saviour.

"Hey." His voice is soft. It seems as though this man is bipolar as he was screaming and taunting just two seconds ago. "Hey can you move?"

I cough and pant. "No. Not really."

"Okay I'll carry you. Just rest you'll be okay. He's gone now." I don't open my eyes as he carries me down the hall.

"Th-thank you..." my voice is raspy.

"Shh. Rest." And so I do.


My ears seem to be very sensitive as the mumbling going on near me sounds like dragons and an earthquake.

"She'll be fine now. Should wake up soon." A kind voice says.

"Okay good. What about the guy that did this?" What sounds like the same male voice from before.

"Well I'm not too sure but he should get his fair share of punishments. Maybe even expelled. But it's not my position to say. Though I would get rid of him as soon as possible if it were up to me." The kind voice replies. "Do you know how long this has been going on for?"

"No I don't. Though he did say that she was his girlfriend so maybe ever since they've been dating." The male says.

"Oh that is not dating. He's only a boyfriend if he treats her with respect and love. That's not what I see." She replies. "Would you take care of her?"

"Of course. I'll wait here till she wakes up. You can go treat the others here."

"Okay thank you, Draco."


I grunt and shuffle around in the bed. I lay in my back and attempt to open my eyes but there's a blinding light. I groan and look away.

"Hey you're awake." I look over and see the platinum boy. Draco Malfoy.


"Hey (Y/n)." He smiles. "How are you feeling?"

"Hurt." I grumble. "What happened?"

"You're boyfriend's an asshole." He chuckles and I shake my head.

"No." He gives me a confused look. "No he is not my boyfriend. He's just an asshole." Draco laughs at this.

"Yes he is just an asshole." I look over to him and smile.

"Thank you, Draco. Thanks for helping me."

"Anytime, (Y/n). I'll make sure he never hurts you again." He smiles warmly.
"How long has he been doing this for?"

I think for a second. "About three months." His eyes widen at this information.

"Three months is way too long to be going through such a thing." He gasps. "Well. I'll make sure you go through the rest of your months without him there." For some reason his words make me want to cry.

"I'm so fucking scared of him. Every time I see his face my heart just... sinks. I feel like running but I can't I just freeze like an idiot." I suck in a deep shaky breath. "I'm so scared."

Draco grabs my hand. "You don't have to be scared anymore, love. I'll be here.
No one will hurt you now."

part two? sí or no?

Draco Malfoy Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें