Too Cute [Pt. 3]

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This one was requested by JocelynBliton. If you wanna suggest something, just message me and I'll try get to it as soon as possible! Sorry if it takes a while!

"Draco, fucking, Malfoy, turn me back this instant!" Draco was too busy curled up on the floor in laughter. "DRACO. TURN. ME. BACK!" My voice raises as I try to get the platinum haired boy's attention.

During the night, this dipshit decided to turn me back into a cat. I have the ears, tail and the nose. Just like last time and I'm scared that if I go to sleep, I'll turn fully into a cat.

Once again, I hiss at Draco. He manages to calm himself down a bit. "Aha, I'm sorry (Y/n), but I can't! You're way too cute!" He says.

"Ugh! You know all that's going to happen is me turning into a fucking kitten in the morning!" I yell.

"That's the idea!" He grins. "And the only way I'll change you back is if you act like you love me when you're in the form of a kitten. Always stay with me and if Harry comes, you hiss or something!"

"Ugh, Draco, you're so immature! Do you have any idea how many classes I've missed?! People will figure it out soon enough!" I roll my eyes.

"Aww... poor kitty it mad?" He stokes behind my ear and all I do is hiss and attempt to scratch him. "Oi! Do you want me to change you back or not?"

I nod and pout. "You agree to our deal? You stay with me all day?" I nod again. "Good kitty~"


The next day I spent following Draco around the place. During dinner, Harry, Hermione and Ron noticed me walking around the hall cos I got bored and jumped off Draco's lap. "Hey, look! There she is!" Hermione coos. I mew up to them but look over to Draco, I notice him look around for me, he then sees Harry picking me up.
I instantly start hissing and scratching.
Harry gasps and lets me go and I go running to Draco. He smiles warmly at me as I jump onto his lap and lick his face.

"Atta girl." He coos. He's honestly so attractive when he's like this. "Good kitty~" Ahhh that's so hot when he calls me kitty. Wait what? What am I thinking??


Every class he goes to, I'm always strutting behind him. I'm asleep on his lap as he takes notes. He strokes me with his free hand and I have to try my best to not purr.

Finally it gets pretty late and I'm not sitting waiting for Draco to turn me back. He just chuckles at me while taking off his robe. "Mmm... I'm not sure if I wanna change you back yet, kitty~" He says seductively. I'm so glad I'm a cat so he can't tell that I'm finding him really attractive right now.

He then starts unbuttoning his shirt slowly while licking his lips and smirking at me.

I'm a cat, doesn't he find this really weird?

"Oh my god he's so hot." I mew. Wait... no... that wasn't a mew... I actually said that. "Wait what?" I look down and see my normal human body.

"Haha," he chuckles huskily. "I changed you back before you sat on the bed." He winks.

"Oh my god, Draco stop being so seductive." He bites his lip slowly and eyes me, taking off his shirt fully and throwing it to the floor. "You're such a tease."

"I know." He says lowly. He then crawls on top of me and pushes me down to the bed, our lips connecting immediately. "You're cuter as a human." He whispers, biting my ear. "Are you just as obedient as a human?" My eyes widen as his words. "Guess we'll just have to find out."

I honestly couldn't be bothered editing so if I made a mistake, please let me know! <3

Draco Malfoy ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ