Little Mr.

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thank you to RikaNazy for requesting. remember my inbox is always open for you lovelies! sorry if it's a little different than you thought! i kept changing it as i wrote it!
if you prefer it some other way, just let me know, RikaNazy.

{your pov}

My breathing picks up pace as I stare at the small plastic device. It this good? Is it bad? Oh no I suddenly forgot how to use it! It's okay, (Y/n), just calm down. Breathe.

I slowly take breaths in and out as I pull out the instructions from the box on the floor. One line across means no. Two lines pointing up...

...I'm pregnant.


"D-Draco... Baby?" I stammer as I walk slowly into his room. He's doing something on his phone but he instantly put it down when he hears me.

"Hi Darling, what's up?" He asks, being genuinely concerned for me. He walks over to me and holds my shoulders.

I take in a deep shaky breath. "I-I umm..." I wasn't able to form words so instead I held up the positive pregnancy test.

He stops and slowly takes it. He takes a step away and looks up to me with wide eyes. "A-are you... are you...?" He wasn't able to finish his sentence but I know what he means. I nod.

I see a grin slowly build up on his face. "Oh my gosh! Oh my Merlin! No what! Ahhhh babe! You're pregnant!" His giddy jumps and yells fill me with joy and I laugh. He instantly runs up to me and engulfs me in a hug, picking me off the ground and swinging me around. "I can't believe this! We're pregnant! We're having a child! Omg!"

He instantly stops and looks to my stomach. "Sorry, I wont be too loud and be a little more careful, haha." He laughs, touching my stomach. "I'm so happy." He breathes out.

"You're going to be an amazing father." I smile.

"You're going to be a better mother and wife." He grins.


"Its' okay, baby, you got this." Draco comforts as tears begin falling out. "Just push." I squeeze his hand tightly as I scream out. Eventually the pain ends.

"Would you like to hold your son?" The nurse asks. I nod repeatedly. She slowly places a small boy in my arms. So tiny. So delicate. So fragile. So beautiful.

"He has your eyes." Draco whispers.

"Draco." I smile and look to him. "His eyes are closed." We laugh a little and the boy shifts in my arms.

"Hi Scorpius." Draco coos. "Hi bubba." He wiggles a finger in front of his face as I cry. "Baby? What's wrong?"

"Draco he's so beautiful." I sob. "We did it. We're parents."

He grins. "Yes, (Y/n). You're so strong, baby." He whispers and kisses my forehead.


"Mum, stop crying." Scorpius laughs.

"Sorry, honey." I smile down at the boy hugging my legs. I stroke his head. "You scared?" I ask.

He nods. "Yeah a little." His tiny shoulders shrug up and down.

"Don't worry kiddo, you'll do great." Draco grins.

One last hug and one last goodbye before the little boy is off running.


{scorpius's pov}

"Albus, why do you recon our dad's hated each other?" I ask the boy.

He shrugs "Not sure, honestly." He sighs. "Although my dad has said that yours was a brave man."

"Brave? Really? He was crying when he proposed to my mum!" I laugh.

"Haha really? That's crack up!" We laugh a little. "But yeah my dad says that yours was an interesting guy. Confusing and annoying but... kind at heart."

"Yeah my dad keep saying that he had no choice but he wont tell me what about..." I ponder. "He also told me that if I were to be anything like your dad, then he'd be proud."

"He wants you to be like my dad?"

"Yeah he does." I sigh.

"Hey lovebirds! What are you doing? C'mon I'm bored!" We look over and see Hugo standing there with his arms folded.

"Okay calm down!" I laugh. Rose was standing next to him.

"What were you guys talking about?" Rose asks.

"Our dads." Albus replies.

"Yeah all of our parents were really close weren't they?" Rose smiles. "I'm glad we can also be this close."

"Yeah well my dad wasn't." I sulk.

"But you are. You're close with us. We're like a family, Scorpius!" Hugo grins and wraps an arm around me.

"Yeah, we're here for ya."

I've found them. I've found my family. I've found my belonging. I've found the people that'll be with me till' the end.
Thanks dad, for the recommendation.

sorry it took time and that it's really bad. once again shits been happening with my life and i'm getting kind of sick of it and i'm just trying to get through it without thinking too much of it but it kind of changes a lot in my life. but oh well, next time i'll make sure not to affect it too much on this book and you guys. i'll update often, i promise... maybe...

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