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this one was requested by WorshipTheGays once again sorry it took so long!
i don't think this is exactly how you wanted it but this was kind of my interpretation but if this isn't what you thought then i could change it because i had a few ideas for it. just dm me and honestly if this isn't what you wanted, i would prefer if you let me know because i want it to be perfect for all of you!
remember dm for a request!

{your pov}

A Boggart is a shape shifting non-being that takes on the form of the persons worst fear. Simply just cast the spell "Riddikulus" to change it into something funny and amusing to look at.

I shake in my spot as I await my turn. The line goes faster and faster and each person's fears become worse. Though once they cast the spell it becomes all the more funnier. All I can think about is what will walk out of that closet for me.

Spiders? My mum?

"(Y/n)! You're next!" Professor Lupin calls out for me. I hesitantly step forward and wait what is to come out for me.

I expect it to jump, to attack me. But it doesn't.
The doors slowly open and out steps an all too familiar platinum haired boy that I've crushed on for ages. There are gasps and chuckles from around the room. They think I'm scared of Malfoy?

Am I? Why would I be scared of Draco Malfoy? I mean yeah he can be scary at times but I've never actually spoken to him nor have I been even insulted by him. I just crush on him, that's all.

I look around the room and people laugh and whisper to each other. My eyes then land upon Draco Malfoy who's first looking at the other version of himself then fixing his own hair as though it were a mirror, then he looks towards me with an amusing glint in his eyes and chuckles ever so slightly.

I'm scared of him? No way. Will people know that I have a crush on him now? Or just think I'm scared of him? Yeah that's it, they'll just think I'm scared that he'll insult me or embarrass me.

As I get lost in my thoughts, the fake Draco starts laughing at me.

"Can you believe this?" He points to me but looks at everyone else.

Here comes the insults.

"You think I would go out with you?"

What? Oh Merlin no...

Everyone else gasps and laughs. "Why on earth would I date the likes of you?!" He laughs some more. "Pathetic!"

I slowly and shakily lift up my wand. "R-Ridd-" I can't seem to get my words out as people howl in laughter. "Riddi-" They only laugh louder at my pathetic attempts on trying to cast the spell.
It embarrasses me but at the same time angers me. "RIDDIKULUS!" I yell, loud enough to shut the entire class up.

I raise my head finally and see fake Draco now looking around the room in utter confusion. Then stops and looks right at Pansy.

"Pansy!" He yells out. "My love! My one true love oh how I wish to see your eyes sparkle all day..." As fake Draco starts blurting out random Shakespeare quotes, I make a beeline for the exit, my head hung low and tears falling silently.

I get some laughs and glances but the rest is just aimed towards the Romeo and Juliet act going on.

Finally, I make it to the silent hall and rest against a wall, eventually sliding down it and covering my face in my knees as I cry out.

Of course, Draco would only love Pansy. And now everyone knows my 'pathetic' crush on him. Embarrassment courses through me as I try to catch my breath from running and crying.

"(Y/n)?" I hear a male voice call out to me down the hallway. I gasp and hold my breath so whoever it is doesn't find me. "(Y/n) I know you're here somewhere. Come on!" The voice persists.

Who is it?

"(Y/n) please! It's me, Draco. Not that that'll help you. In fact now you'd probably want to hide even more."

Draco? What's he doing looking for me?

And yeah he's right, it does make me want to hide more.

"(Y/n)?" His voice is closer to me now. I look down and bury my face in my knees again. A few seconds later I hear a deep sigh. "(Y/n), what are you doing?" I don't look up. "Look up. Please." His voice is calming and gentle, nothing like what Draco is like.

I slowly lift my head and look up to the standing Draco. His arms are crossed and he's looking down at me with concern and worry. He sighs again and crouches in front of me and my eyes follow him down.

"Don't believe me." He says and I give him a confused look. "The only me that has ever talked to you  before now."

I suggest he's talking about the Draco that came out of the closet. [hehe drarry whatwhosaidthat?] Because before then he's never really talked to me. With that thought I look down, avoiding eye contact and focusing on the ground.

"Don't believe that Boggart. It's not real of course! I mean why would I ever speak that way to Pansy?! Well more like... why would I ever speak to Pansy!" He laughs, clearly trying to lighten to mood, but I'm still upset and even more embarrassed.

"Look." He says, making me lift my head. "I can prove that the Boggart isn't real." He smiles warmly. "I don't think your crush on me is pathetic. It think Pansy's is, but yours isn't."

"How so?" I finally speak.

"Well... I actually like you back this time." My eyes widen in shock and heart beat picks up pace.

"N-no... no you don't. You're lying." I say, coming to realisation and looking away. "You and your mates thought that it wasn't enough embarrassment in there so you thought you'd try again."

"Wha-N-no that's not it! I swear!" I've never heard him stammer before.

"Sure." I mumble, standing up.

"No wait." He grabs my wrist. "Please believe me!"


"I'm not a Boggart. I'm me, Draco Malfoy. No one's tried to get me to embarrass you!
I like you, (Y/n). A lot, actually."



honestly i am the shittest person at updating! i admit i am being flooded with school work currently but that's no excuse to keep you guys waiting! i'm sorry for being cruel this way, muhahaha.
but seriously there's no excuse in keeping you waiting and i really appreciate your patience. like seriously i do!
but as per usual, stay sexy, my lovelies ;)

pt 2?

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