Drunco Malfoy [Pt. 1]

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God, why am I here? I want to leave. I silently scold myself for coming here. Right now, all of Slytherin were getting drunk in the commons for winning the house cup.

Why did I agree to come to this? I hate crowds, loud people, drunk people and Slytherin.

Yes, I would rather be in another house because it seems all the other ones are better. Hufflepuff are all really kind and generous and have mutual feelings for everyone in the world. Ravenclaw is funny and witty and seem like a good bunch to hang with. Gryffindor seems really cool and fun place to be, they always seem to be laughing plus it has really popular people in it.

Slytherin is just loud and juvenile. I hate it all. Everything. Well... maybe not everything... maybe a certain platinum haired boy makes it a little less dreadful. The same boy that's drunk right now, standing on a table and blurting lyrics to a song he doesn't know.

I roll my eyes at his stupidity. When I see him like this, I wonder what I ever saw in him in the first place. It soon gets my attention when people start yelling "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" I look up and see Draco is now standing with someone. Pansy. Once again I roll my eyes. They both begin to lean in until drunk Draco pushes her away, changing his mind. She stumbles a bit before regaining her balance and glares at the boy.

"No! I shall not kiss this lady! For I shall kiss another!" He blurts, slurring on his words a bit.

"Who?!" Someone screams.

"Someone a little more... difficult. Or else it's not a challenge!" He says this as if he gets laid every other day. He probably would if he gave a shit.

"Goyle!" Someone else yells, causing the room to burst into a laughing fit. Even I myself smile a bit.

"No, too easy!" Drunco laughs, as does everyone else. "Aha! I see someone." I don't bother lifting my head this time because I honestly don't care about who's sucking Draco's face.

I hear him hop off the 'stage' but I keep my head hung low and watch my feet as if they're so amusing. Well, they're probably more amusing that anyone else right now. That's when I see another pair of feet appear in front of mine. I hear people gasp and I look up to see Drunco standing right in front of me.

My eyes widen as I watch him smirk. I also notice him mouthing the words 'I'm not drunk.' My heart beat quickens as he pins me up against the wall. He slowly moves his face closer to mine and before I know it, our mouths are moving perfectly in sync.

I'm not drunk MY ASS! All I could taste was butterbeer!


"Hey, (Y/n)!" I turn around and see the platinum haired boy jogging up to me in the hall. "I-I'm really sorry about last night!" I tilt my head. "I remember what I did because I wasn't drunk but I was tipsy so I wasn't really thinking straight. Sorry, love."

I smile and hit his chest playfully. "Git, all I can taste now is the beer you had last night!"

Draco smiles, too. "I mean, I could change that for you."

I raise an eyebrow and Draco quickly pecks my lips and runs off down the hall.


Yeah it's short but I just wanted to get something out there for you lovelies!

Stay sexy always, you assholes ;) luvya <3 ^-^

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