Short Imagines [Pt. 1]

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i'm sad because i kept asking if y'all wanted to see pictures of me and i purposely took a bunch of selfies which i don't normally do but no one replies to it :( it doesn't actually bother me, don't worry haha.
also idk if i mentioned but i got back to new zealand last night.

anyway these are just a few short imagines and i'll most likely do more and you can request some if you like.
if you wish, i could make a whole chapter on one!!
i think i'll try to do like 10 imagines per chapter.

enjoy ! and as per usual, stay sexy, my lovelies ^-^

*Imagine Draco seeing you getting bullied and punches the bullies in the face. He turns to you, picks up your stuff that was thrown on the ground and gives you the warmest smile anyone has ever seen him give, then walks off.*

*Imagine you're making pancakes and was planning on giving them to Draco while he was in bed but as you're flipping over a pancake, you feel arms snake around your waist. Draco back hugs you the rest of the time as you make them.*

*Imagine Draco hugging you while watching the sunset on your last day at Hogwarts as you cry to your heart's content.*

*Imagine Draco being told to kill you as he is a death eater but chooses to be killed instead.*

(ok they're getting a wee bit sad i'll lighten the mood)

*Imagine being a Hufflepuff and never talking to Draco ever because you're just another person at Hogwarts. Then randomly out of the blue he says you look stunning in your dress at the Yule Ball.*

*Imagine you're having a panic attack and no one was around. But then Draco sees you and rushes over to you and comforts you until you're okay. Then the two of you sit there together and skip class. It's silent but comfortable.*

*Imagine Draco bringing you to a random bridge in the middle of nowhere. It's over the water in which the moon bleeds over and shimmers over the surface. He takes your hand and whispers three most important words to you. "Are you hungry?" SHIT I MEAN "I love you."* -I'm already going to make this into a chapter so don't bother asking, ooh spoilers ;)

*Imagine Draco getting pissed off and yelling at you because you were trying so hard to impress people and he starts crying because you're insecure and don't like yourself. You then realise that you only need to impress Draco and he's content with your natural beauty.*

*Imagine Skyping Draco every night since he lives on the other side of the world. Then suddenly you get a surprise at your doorstep. ;)*

*Imagine posting a selfie for the first time in your life because you're normally insecure. But then all that changes when Draco comments "cute".*

Draco Malfoy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now