Perfect Christmas - Draco Short

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ok it was christmas yesterday (where i live) and just because i don't celebrate it doesn't mean i can't write a chapter about it. sorry for being absent recently i'm trying to get back on track i guess :)

{your pov}

I drag my aching body down the halls towards the Slytherin commons. I've had a shit week. Teachers constantly on my case, crap tonne of homework and my family not even wanting to see me. I'll be alone this holidays and I'll miss everyone, but I guess I just gotta suck it up.

I do wish at least one person would stay, preferably Draco, but they all have their own families and I can't keep them away from that.

I reach the large painting and with a sigh I mumble the password. I rub my eyes as I walk in and drop my books on the floor with a groan.


I jolt from the amount of noise emitted around me. I look up with wide eyes and see Slytherin wearing green and red clothing, ugly sweaters, elf ears, reindeer noses and more.

Two girls come up to me, one hands me an ugly sweater with my initials on it and the other puts a Santa hat on me.

I look around confused as to why everyone is still here, the train should be leaving soon!

"W-what's going on here?" I stammer with a slight giggle.

"We're celebrating Christmas, duh!" Pansy puts her hands on her hips.

"B-but your families I-"

"That's why we're here!" Blaise exclaims, cutting me off. "We're a family, (Y/n)! No one gets left behind!"

"Yeah, and no one should be alone on Christmas!" Someone else cheers and everyone agrees.

"How did you even know I was staying?" I ask, not remembering telling anyone but Draco that my parents didn't want me.

"I told them." That beautiful voice. I spin to see Draco with a warm smile. "If your family don't want you, then this one does." He says, gesturing to all of Slytherin.

There are a few "yeah"'s and nods passed around.

"C'mon, we all got gifts for each other!" Pansy says impatiently and just like that, everyone goes off opening them. Draco slowly walks up to me and hands me a small gift. He takes my face in his hands and kisses me gently on the lips.

"You're never going to be alone, (Y/n)." He whispers. "Open it."

I look down at the tightly wrapped gift and begin ripping away the green and silver wrapping. I gasp as I look inside.

[pretend it's your initial

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[pretend it's your initial.]

"Draco it's beautiful." I breathe out.

"Because you're my lucky star." He says.

I look up with a smile and he kisses me again.

"Hurry up, lovebirds!" Someone yells. We turn around and see a couple of people waiting for us, everyone else busy with their own gifts.

I chuckle as Draco looks back to me. He picks up the necklace and puts it on me, him being so close I could smell his cologne.

"C'mon." He nods his head and begins to walk to the others.

"Wait Draco!" He stops. "I-I didn't get you anything." I stammer and he chuckles.

"You're all I need, darling." He kisses my nose.
"Merry Christmas."

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