Short Imagines [Pt. 2]

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*Imagine Draco only eating if you fed him.*

*Imagine Draco cooking dinner for the first time after secretly watching you doing it all the time and trying to remember the recipe.*

*Imagine your parents loving Draco so much that they invite him out for dinner, movie etc. without you.*

*Imagine seeing Tom Felton at a meet and greet and him telling you you're so beautiful and side hugging you by the waist tightly for the photo. You rest your head on his shoulder for the photo and he moves his hand to your shoulder and holds you closer.*

*Imagine you guys actually wanting to see my selfies I worked so hard on.*

*Imagine Draco getting you a gift for your birthday and he got you a really expensive, beautiful necklace with matching earrings with a note that says "I can match my tie to this at the Yule Ball if you match your dress." But you don't know who gave the gift to you so looks like you're going to have to see who has a matching tie that night.*

*Imagine you work at a diner and accidentally spill coffee on him and being super sorry but he just says it's okay and smiles brightly at you. He then unbuttons his shirt and his abs show through his vest underneath. ;)*

*Imagine he sees you doodling in class and he thinks you're super talented.* (lmao i drew a penis on my maths book once then realised that it wasn't my book it was the girl next to mine and it was on my desk slightly so i just drew a penis on someone else's book. shit.)

*Imagine he sees you in the library and thinks about how lonely you are because he never sees you with anyone, so he sits next to you while you both read in silence. He kept doing this for weeks until you finally mustered up the courage to say "hi".*

*Imagine him having a girlfriend but gets drunk and kisses you instead because his drunken mind thought you were more good looking.* (I've done ones similar to this [drunco malfoy pt 1, 2, and 3.] so i probably won't make a chapter out of it unless i get enough people asking for it.)

Draco Malfoy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now