Protection [Pt. 1]

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thank you to hipster_emo for requesting this one!! also to RoxLovegood for adding on by making it a ravenclaw reader!
i'm ravenclaw, too, be great to know how many others are reading?
also thanks to any of you that keep spamming my inbox, haha. i love getting messages and comments from you guys, really makes my day over the shitty things that happen. enjoy and stay sexy, my lovelies! ^-^

{draco's pov}

The safest thing you can ever do at Hogwarts is walk down the hall. That's exactly what (Y/n)'s doing right now but I still feel like something could happen.
This is Hogwarts, goddamnit! Literally anything could happen! And (Y/n) is the last person that I want to get hurt.

She knows who I am... I mean... Who doesn't? But she doesn't know about this. About me sneaking around following her. Not in a creepy way. But because I'm scared. The amount of people that could get hurt because of say... maybe... I don't know, a troll in the dungeon? So many people could get injured and I know for a fact (Y/n) isn't  going to be one of them because I'm here to protect her.

She's the most beautiful person I've ever seen but nobody knows I think that. Yet there is another certain red head that thinks the same thing. I constantly see Ron talking to her and doing his stupid flirty moves. It won't work, I just know it.

I feel like a coward for never actually talking to (Y/n). All I ever do is  follow her around.

I would believe she would know how to protect herself if she uses her Ravenclaw knowledge. That's how I know her, she helped me with my homework once and I honestly was turned on by the way she speaks about such confusing things.

She may have intelligence but she still needs strength and that's me!
People may say that she would need the bravery from a Gryffindor such as Ron but that's only because people know about Ron's crush on her. But I'm not letting him get her.

That thought halts when I see Ron stop (Y/n) in the middle of the hall. He's talking with a sly smirk on his face, he constantly runs his hand through his stupid orange locks.

I can't see (Y/n)'s face but I know that she is probably uncomfortable so I guess I must do my duty to help her.

I walk over to them and instantly catch Ron's attention. He stutters his words when he sees my glare and awkwardly coughs.

"U-umm... I actually have to go." He stammers and runs off without a second of hesitation. (Y/n) gives him a confused wave as he runs off. She spots me and smiles and I smile back, but that was it before I walk off.

I walk back to the Slytherin Commons with a grin on my face, glad at the thought that I may have permanently scared Ron away from (Y/n).

~the next day~

I spot the Weasley kid sauntering in the opposite direction of me. He notices me and I send him a wink as a joke. He visibly shivers and walks faster. I also spot a few Slytherin's in my year, can't exactly remember their names.

They're a bunch of guys and bending over, looking at something lower down. They're also wolf whistling. Checking a poor gal out? I chuckle and shake my head, walking past them.

I get a quick glance of the girl and see it's a Ravenclaw. More importantly (Y/n). She's clutching her books tightly to her chest as her face scrunches up in disgust and insecurity. She can hear the boys whistling and yelling crude words.

"Hey baby is that real!"
"Come 'ere, lemme check."
"What that mouth do?"

I turn over to the boys and stand in front of them. They all instantly stop what they're saying and stand up straight, coughing awkwardly.

"What do you think you're doing?" I yell. "Have you no shame?!" I sound like an old man right now but they seem scared.

"C'mon man, just checking out the hot chick." One of them says.

"Does it seem like she likes it?" I push on. They all nod.

"She will once she se-" Before one of them can finish their sentence, I punch right in the nose. He stammers back and they others step back and eventually run away, abandoning their screaming friend.

I turn back around and see (Y/n) standing there with wide eyes. "Y-you helped me?" She stammers.

"Yeah of course, (Y/n)." I say softly.

"Y-you remember my name from when I tutored you?" I chuckle at her scared-ness but I try to assure her that I won't punch her.

"I've been protecting you for a while, now." I say to her and she gives a confused look. "I'm always trying to make sure you're safe."


"Because I don't want an angel to get injured."

"I'm no angel."

"You are to me
And I need to protect you."

i added the guys in cos i thought i might spice it up a little and i already know you guys'll ask for part two so yeah.
super sorry for the long break, shit's happened but i think it might be passing but i can't be sure.

thanks for your patience, i love you and stay sexy! ^-^
also i didn't edit!!!

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