Just Talk

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this was the one recommended by FlamingMuffin and Lia_7654 when i thought that they requested the other one.
anyway, enjoy :)

{draco pov}

Talking to girls for me you would expect would be easy. Not when it's (Y/n). She's stunning. Flawless.

Though I have no idea how to talk to her. Once I gave myself a pep talk in the mirror, telling myself that I'm Draco Malfoy. I can get a girl with the click of my fingers.

So I did. I went up to her that day and was just being my usual charming self until I realised that I was coming off as a bit cocky.

And now the only way I communicate with her is by-

"Move, asshole."

Insulting her.

She chuckles at me words. "Sorry, Malfoy." She never gets offended.

She stands out of the way for me and I walk past with a scoff then mentally scold myself for blowing it once again.


It was dinner now and I turned up later than usual. A few Slytherin's gave me odds looks but one glare from me and they were back to their own lives.

I didn't do anything horrible, just was late to dinner, that's all.

I sat next to Blaise and Goyle but still felt a stare on me. I look up and around and spot the familiar (H/c) haired girl looking at me with amusement.

I scoff. "What are you looking at?" She chuckles and shakes her head.

"You, idiot."

"Me?" I give her an odd look. "Why?"

"You're amusing, Malfoy." She looks back to her food but still has a smile on her face. "You can get anyone to anything just with a look." She adds and I give her a shocked look then smirk, though she was still looking down.

"And why doesn't it work for you?" I ask and she looks up again.

"Nothing you say or do can change my mindset, Draco. I'm stronger than you think." She takes a bite of her food with a smirk and all of a sudden I fall deeper in love. Or lust.

I tut. "Weirdo." I mutter and continue eating.

I flick my eyes up and see her smiling and eating, too.


"Oi, you idiot, you're doing it wrong." I insult as (Y/n) puts the wrong ingredient into her potion.

"Why do you care, Malfoy?" She looks up. "I'm not your partner."

I look down. "Not yet." I mutter quietly so she couldn't hear.

"What was that?" She asks.

"What was what?" I reply.

"What you said. You mumbled something under your breath, I couldn't hear what it was." Though she has a knowing smile which says otherwise.

"Nothing. I said nothing. Mind your own business."


"Hey Draco." It was her that approached me this time. "Why do you hate me so much?"

"Why are you sitting next to me?" She squeezed in between Goyle and me at the dinner table.

"Don't answer my question with another question."

"I don't have to answer you."

She looks at me a bit longer causing my heart to rush so I look away. "Alright." She shrugs. I expected her to leave after that but she stayed and continued eating.

She was having a conversation with someone else and her laughs and giggles seem to distract me. They were alluring.

I clench my fork tightly till my knuckles turned white. "Because I like you." I grit. (Y/n) stops and looks over to me.


"I was answering your question." I glare at her but she doesn't shy away. "Because. I. Like. You." I don't know why I was so angry, but I just was.

She smiles. "Is that so?"


She didn't speak with me the rest of the dinner. I suspected she hated me now. I was currently dawdling to class down the empty hallways when I see her. What is she doing out so late? Though I guess she could think the same about me.

She looks up from a book and sees me and grins. "Hi Draco." She waves. I don't say anything and just walk past her. "What? No insult this time?" I stop and turn around.

"Do you want me to insult you?" I cock an eyebrow.

"Well if you don't insult me then how am I meant to know whether you still like me or not?" Smart move.

"Are you expecting me answer saying that I do?" I fold my arms and she gives me a challenging look.

"Yeah that would be nice." She imitates my stance.

"Do you?" I ask.

"Do I what?"

"Like me?"

She coughs awkwardly and releases her stance. "U-umm... I-I umm I-"

"Are you stuttering?" I chuckle, walking closer and she walks backwards. "You...? You what? You do?" I taunt, walking closer till her back hit the wall and I was standing two centimetres away. "Because I sure do." At that I slam my lips onto hers.

She doesn't pull away but she doesn't move either. She's taken by surprise and I pull away. Her eyes are wide and breathing heavy.

"I do as well." She mutters. I smirk before kissing her again and this time she returns it. When we pull away she has a playful smirk on her face.

"Next time," She starts.
"just talk to me."

hey sorry it took ages i've been doing something with my relatives and guess what??!?!?! i'm a mess again!

instead of making an entire chapter as to why, i though i'd just add it in at the end.

first i haven't had any alone time in a month and it's vital for me but i'm always doing something and always with people and i can't handle that.

and second well... a friend of mine is missing.

her dad moved her to australia and she left by herself apparently because she didn't get good grades or something.

her dad's wife (not her mother) was meant to pick her up i think but apparently she never turned up.

next thing i know another friend said that she arrived in the airport then ran away. so now she's in another country with no one.

she's blocked everyone on everything and we don't know if she has shelter or anything. it's been four days and for all we know she's not even alive. but we can't think like that.

she has an internet friend who apparently lives in aussie and some friends have his contacts and all we get are angry messages from him saying she never turned up at the airport.

anyway i'm stressing about that and hope she's safe and i'm still quite busy so sorry if i don't update as often as normal.

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