Apple [Pt. 2]

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Thanks to the person in the comments (sorry I forgot your username) for requesting a part 2.
Enjoy! 😊
Also I'm in my phone at a bus stop typing with one hand so it's likely that I'll make a mistake so sorry for that. When I get my laptop I'll edit properly.

"Draco~" I sing the boys name. "Draco wake up!" I shake him again.

He groggily opens his eyes. "Mm, (Y/n), what do you want??"

"I want you to wake up. Class is about to start." At that, he shoots up out of his bed.

"Crap!" He jumps out of his bed and starts to change so I sat on his bed facing the other way so he has some privacy. "Hey what are you doing in the boys dorm anyway?"

"Everyone else was too scared to wake you." I laugh.

"Fair enough. Crap, I haven't eaten." He curses, making his way to the door.
We both walk out when I pull out a ripe ass mother fucking apple. "Ahh, thanks." He takes the apple and starts taking slow bites out of it. "So you just casually carry apples around, (L/n)?" I shrug.

"When I noticed you weren't at breakfast, I brought one for you since you gave me yours yesterday, remember?" I explain.

"So you were looking for me at breakfast?" He winks and I shove him a bit.

"Asshole." He chuckles at my response.

"You're welcome for giving you that apple, by the way." He says, taking another bite.

I smile. "I said thanks yesterday. But thanks."

"You ate it super fast."

"I was hungry, okay?!"

I don't know why we were talking like we were besties or something. We've literally known each other for two days.

"You even umm..." His voice trails off.

"I even what?" I ponder.

"Oh nothing, just thinking out loud." He shrugs.

"Well finish the thought."

"It's nothing."

"I feel highly uncomfortable about someone I barely know thinking about me and not telling me what they're thinking." I stop in my track and fold my arms, raising a brow at Draco.

He sighs. "I just found it weird how you ate the side I bit."

I shrug. "Can't waste food." He chuckles and hands back the apple...

half eaten. "Not hungry."

I smirk and take the apple, eating the whole thing. I also notice him blush.

"I'm not scared of cooties." I shove him while throwing away the apple core.

"Really?" He asks suggestively.

"Yeah, why?"

"You really don't care about cooties?"

"Yes, Draco, I really don't care about cooties." I raise my eyebrow at his odd behaviour.

"Then I guess you won't mind me doing this." As soon as he says that, he presses his lips against mine for only two seconds.


"I thought you said you didn't care about cooties?"

I smirk. "I don't." That's when I make a move and kiss him. He presses me against a wall and snakes his arms around my waist. [GEDDIT COS HE'S IN SLYTHERIN. I think I've made this joke before, I'm sorry.]

"Should we get to class?" I ask, slightly out of breath. He shakes his head. "Alright."

Thank you so much you adorable little bunnies for reading and voting. Honestly it makes me so happy when I see that you smol beans have voted on a chapter as soon as I've  updated. Love you all! ^-^ <3

Also I didn't edit this chapter cos I gotta go pick mama up from the airport soon and I'm typing with one hand as I've explained.

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