Masquerade Ball

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short imagine recommended by FlamingMuffin to be made into a chapter :D
also i just realised that no one requested the last one and i read it wrong so i'll do the one that those two recommended after this one.

{your pov}

I examine myself in the mirror one more time, smiling as the mask successfully hides who I am. In the dim lighting of the hall, it'll be even harder to tell.

I like the fact that I am hidden from the world. If I wasn't, nobody would even come near me.

"You ready?" Pansy asks after applying more makeup than needed. I nod and smile as she takes in my appearance. [Media]

I walk a little further behind Pansy as to not make it look like I was going with her. She is currently squealing to some other poor Slytherin's that she knew who Draco would be as they have a 'connection'.

I smile and shake my head, entering the hall a while after them. I look around at the other masked people and easily recognise a few of them.

I watch as people mingle; not knowing who they're talking to but at the same time, not caring.

I instantly make my way to the drinks table as I am not sure what else to do.

"Care for a dance, milady?" I look over and surprised that someone is actually talking to me, until I realise it's because I'm masked and they don't know it's me.

"Of course." I smile with confidence.

He smiles and takes my hand, leading me to the floor, he places his hands on my hips and I put mine around his neck.

I instantly start trying to guess who it is yet it's so dark I can't make out any distinct features.

"Let's play a game." He says. "We have to try figure out who each other is and we only get five questions each." I smile and nod at him. "Alright I'll go first, though I think I already know who you are."

"Hmm, I don't think you do." I say.

"And why's that?"

"Because if you knew who I was you wouldn't ask for a dance." I sheepishly smile.

"Oh I think I have a pretty clear idea. Anyway, I'll ask first." We're still swaying on the dance floor as we speak. "What house are you in?"

"Slytherin. And you?"

"Same here." My heart picks up pace at the thought of anonymously dancing with someone in my house. He has a smirk on his face that never seems to falter which shows a pretty confident idea that he knows who I am. "Now I get to ask again. What colour are your eyes?"

I think for a second. "(e/c)." His smirk grows.

"Yes I know who you are, darling."

"It's a very common eye colour. Any Slytherin could have it." He chuckles and shakes his head, pulling me closer as we dance causing my face to heat up. "My turn. What is your hair colour?" It was hard to tell since it was dark and a matter of coloured lights were shining around the place.

"Platinum, some would say." I freeze.

Who else has platinum hair in Slytherin?

"What is your name?"

"Huh?" I question.

"Well," He starts. "I never said there was a limit to the questions you asked." He smirks and repeats. "What is your name?"

"U-umm... (Y/n)." I put my head down and stare at our feet, thinking he would just walk off because he thought I was someone else.

Although all I get is a chuckle. "I knew it." I look up with shock in my eyes.

"You did? Or are you just saying that to be nice."

"Oh darling if you knew who I was then you know that I don't do things to be nice." He smiles.

"Who are you?" I ask and he tilts his head. "You said there was no limitation to the questions we asked. Who are you?"

He smiles more and steps away from me, our hands dropping by our sides. His hands reach up behind his head and he begins untying his mask. He slowly lets it fall onto his hands and looks up at me, another smirk displaying on his features.

"Draco Malfoy." I breathe out in disbelief.

He chuckles and walks closer to me, reaching behind my head and fumbling with my mask trying to untie it, the entire time he looks into my eyes, still with his signature smirk.

He lets my mask drop and the grabs my waist again.

"I do much prefer you
without the mask on."

once again sorry for the slow updates since my relatives are still here and any time i get away from them i'm trying to just not cry because every house in my room in taken now and it's all completely full and i don't really get any alone time which is very vital for me. anyway, hopefully you enjoyed this chapter!
and as per usual, stay sexy, my lovelies ;)

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