It was all a Dare [Pt. 2]

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"You know Draco. But I also know that only happens to the lucky girls. The pretty girls." She sighs then stands up.
"I'm neither of those in your opinion."

At that, she walks out.

I sigh and stand up. She'll just run away if I follow her. And she never believes anything I say.

"Draco Malfoy, if you do not follow her right now I'll make sure you never see the light again!" I hear an all too familiar high pitched voice say. I look around and see Luna fuming. I've never seen her so mad before.

"She wont listen to me."

"Do you have any idea how she felt when you asked her?" She asks, her voice softening. "It was the happiest I've ever seen her! Though I knew that she knew it was a dare, she didn't care. She was still so happy, jumping around the room, I couldn't control her."

My eyes widen as I take in this information.

"Tonight we spent hours trying to make her look good. I spent more time on her than I did on me. I looked at her and thought she was the most beautiful person ever. But I didn't want her to go because I knew you were going to break her heart." She sighs. "But when I saw her, I thought that you would end up falling in love with her. But you didn't. You still broke her heart."

"I-I tried to apologise!"

"Do you know how she felt when we were making our way to the hall tonight? She was doubting herself. She kept asking if she looked good. She kept trying to turn away because she knows it was a dare. I kept telling her that one night and he'll change his mind. Just spend one night with him and he'll fall in love. But no. No you still broke her heart. Hours it took to make her look like all the other girls and look beautiful and now she just breaks it all down in less than fifteen minutes. She always doubts herself but you just made it all worse!"

She sighs and straightens up her posture and looks me dead in the eye.

"Draco she loves you. Everyone knows. She has so many emotions when it comes to you but you choose to play with the wrong ones. She's embarrassed herself in front of so many people. In front of you."

I look down and realise my mistake. I thought it was just a stupid crush someone had on me. I didn't realise I meant so much. I'm a dick in so many ways, why would she like me?

"Draco Malfoy, if you do not follow her right now I'll make sure you never see the light again." She repeats what she said first but in a more calm manner. And the look in her eyes tells me she's not lying.


She wasn't crying. She wasn't moving. Just standing there staring at nothing. Her dress and hair blowing in the wind. She almost looked ghostly.

"Draco, why did you follow me? Please just leave." She says once she spots me.

"No. I won't leave." At that, I grab her face and press my lips to hers. She's stiff as a statue, even when I pull away.
"And I never will."

Draco Malfoy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now