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So it has come to my attention, by Slytherin_Me very kindly pointing it out, that my imagines are similar to others.

I can assure you that I do NOT copy or steal from others!

I'm sorry if they do seem a little similar! Like one or twice I have looked up some ideas because I got stuck, I saw one quick one written down and then thought 'hey I think I can build on this.'
Other than that, I do not steal!

Sorry for the inconvenience but thank you for pointing it out also I don't mind if you give me feedback or correct me, in fact I would love that! I know my writing isn't perfect in every way and I do make mistakes so thank you for your expertise! ^-^
Thank you for all your love and support, really helps me seeing as my counsellor is off to some country for her son's wedding, I still have something to make me smile!

Love you all so much! And as per usual, stay sexy, my lovelies!

Draco Malfoy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now