Aviation 101 MOOC - Airspace Quiz

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Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) are used to check if a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) exists.

To fly in an Air Defense Identification Zone, the aircraft must be either on an IFR flight plan or on a defense VFR flight plan. 

If an important person, such as the President, were to fly into an area, there may be a temporary flight restriction to limit aircraft from flying too close to the President.

A student pilot wants to fly home for Thanksgiving to Orlando Executive airport, which is a Class D airport, located underneath Class B. In order to fly home, he or she will contact the flight instructor to get an endorsement to fly in that airspace since they have already practiced in that airspace before.

While flying on a flight VFR at 5,500' from Los Angeles to Daytona Beach, you will never fly in Class A airspace.

Class E does not require two-way radio communication.

There is no vertical limit for Class E. It ends when there is a defined airspace above.

Class D is depicted with dashed blue lines. 

When a climbing aircraft reaches 18,000 feet, it is then in Class A airspace.

Warning areas usually exist over domestic and international waters, and are not limiting to pilots and could have danger for non-participating aircraft.

A terminal radar service area is most similar to Class C radar service.

Prohibited areas are most similar to a Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) in regards to pilot restrictions and procedures.

While planning a cross-country controlled firing areas are not depicted on a sectional chart.

While flying around one day, ATC advises you that your transponder seems to be inoperative. After you land, you contact maintenance and they tell you they can get you in tomorrow. Unfortunately, you need to fly tonight without an operable transponder. You can NOT operate in Class C without restrictions or permission.

Class F airspace does not exist in the US.

A pilot could use VFR flyway, VFR corridor, and VFR transition routes to maneuver in or around Class B.

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