Chapter 38: promise?

Start from the beginning

I held the note close to my heart and Brian smiled and told me to keep going. Then Scott was next with a rose and another note.
Thank you for making me laugh, you're really fucking funny. Thank you for being you, I'm going to keep laughing, that's a promise....

I was crying now, I still had no idea what was going on though. Fredo was after Scott and he had the same thing. I took the rose off him and held it up to my nose, opening the note.
I'm so lucky and I'm never going to lose you that's a promise...

I now how 5 white roses and I looked up to see Frankie standing there with another rose and a note. I walked up to him, wiping my eyes and taking them from him.
You don't understand how happy you make me. I'm gonna keep making you happy and that's a promise...

I was so lucky wow. Finally I came to the exit door and pushed it open to see the love of my life leaning up against her car with a single red rose.
"Baby.." I said, I was speechless, she looked amazing. She leaned off of her car and walked over to me handing me the rose and I kissed her softly.
"Okay there's one more note but you gotta wait, come on I wanna bring you somewhere." She said, she took my hand and walked me over to her car, opening the door for me and letting me get in. I was still crying and she just kept smiling and kissing me, this was the cutest thing that's ever happened to me.
We drove for about 10 minutes, her hand was on my thigh but I could feel it shaking, I was shaking too. Finally we pulled up to a walkway, it was beautiful and it was all lit up with fairy lights. She took the flowers and left them in the car with the notes and took my hand and we started walking down the path.
"I don't know what's going on but I fucking love you" I laughed, kissing the back of her hand placing our intertwined hands back down by our sides.
"It will all make sense in one minute, I love you too princess, so much"

We talked for most of the walk, she told me how much she loved the show and how she loved me and how much I meant to her.
Then I saw it, the walkway led out to a small secluded beach. It was beautiful, there candles lighting it up, a blanket set up in the middle with food. I burst into tears and cried into
Y/n's jacket as she held me tightly and cried softly into my hair.
After we both just staying in eachother arms she took my hand and led me over to the blanket and I sat down and she sat beside me.

She poured out two glasses of wine and handed me one and taking one for herself

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She poured out two glasses of wine and handed me one and taking one for herself. We sat there talking for about an hour, eating pizza and just enjoying each others company when suddenly she took the wine out of my hand setting it aside along with the pizza box.
"Baby?" She said quietly taking my hand in hers, sitting opposite me.
"Yeah?" I said, why was she so nervous?
Then she took out a piece of paper from her back pocket and laughed slightly.
"I wrote it down because I'm not very good with words and I wanted to say what I needed to say so I wrote it down, I hope you don't mind" she said, her paper shaking in her hands.
"Baby what's going on?" I question, squeezing her hand that was in mine. She didn't say anything she just leaned in and kissed me for a minute and then pulled back and sat down looking at the paper in her hands.

"Baby, these 10 months that we have been together have been the best 10 months of my life. I've had a pretty shit life but it was all worth it because in the end I got you, without you I probably would be here today so thank you baby.
I'm so in love with you Ariana, like so in love, I have to pinch myself sometimes to make sure it's real. I don't deserve you but now that I have you I don't plan on letting you go anytime soon. I don't want to love anyone else, I don't want to marry anyone else and I don't want anyone else to be the mother of my kids." She was crying now and so was I, she paused kissing me softly and wiping away my tears before laughing and continuing.

"My goal every single day is to make you happy and to love you unconditionally. Waking up next to your beautiful face every morning is just as special as it was the very first time. Going to sleep next to you is the only way I can sleep and when you aren't next to me it doesn't feel right. Your smile is the most beautiful thing in this world, it's contagious.
You are such a pure soul and Ariana I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I've made a lot of promises to a lot of people in my past and I've kept all of them and that's not going to change anytime soon. I'm going to marry you one day and that's a promise that I'm going to keep" she smiled up at me before she reached behind her a pulled out a black satin box, opening it revealing the most beautiful ring I've ever seen in my life.
She put down her paper and looked at me taking my hand in hers.
"Baby, I promise to love you unconditionally for the rest of our lives, to make you laugh, to give you lots of hugs and kisses, to be there for you when you need me, to support you and be by your side, always. I promise that I'm going to replace this ring with an engagement ring soon but for now I wanted to give you this ring to show you that I'm not going anywhere and to let you know that I'm yours. I love you so much and I'm never going to stop" she wiped under her eyes and took the ring out of the box holding it out.
I put my hand over my mouth, crying softly.
"Promise?" I said holding out my left hand and she placed the ring on my ring finger, kissing my hand softly.
"I promise" she said, kissing me, I could taste the saltiness of our tears as she kissed me with so much love.
"It's so beautiful baby, thank you so much. I love you so much and I promise to love you forever" I said hugging her as she cried.
We both lay on the beach, her arms wrapped firmly around me as we gazed up at the stars. I couldn't stop looking at my ring and just being so grateful.
We laughed and there was lots of kisses before she helped me up and we made our way back to the car. I held her hand tightly, I couldn't believe how lucky I was and I was still in shock.

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