"The longer you try not to eat, the harder it will be for you. You will begin to smell more like the undead. Especially when you have an open wound." She pointed her finger at Tris, speaking of her stab wounds. "Those will never hea,l as long as you don't eat. And soon, you will crave so much, those pretty women will come back and be your meal."

Tris snarled, body shaking from anguish. "I'd never, hurt them." Tris eyes were wild by the insinuation that she would.

"Oh, you won't be able to help it. Like a vampire starving and a fresh vein right in front of them to suck on," Valentin smirked.

"But, I'm not a vampire," Tris sneered. She rather not hear some dumb shit like that. Zombies were enough to worry about.

"Of course not. Who's to say they exist? Kind of can't rule it out, now that we know zombies are real." Jeana shrugged. "But what we are--what you are, is far worse than a vampire. We can live in the day and night. We are as strong and fast as those television shows predict for vampires. Our appetite carries for more than just blood. And we are nasty things when we don't get our way."

"I see. Is that why you two look so disturbed? Not getting your way." Tris knew she probably shouldn't insult them but she couldn't help herself. They'd needed a slap back and she was the one to do it.

They ignored her comment.

"How about you two educate me on what you think I am?" Tris said. She'd gone over it in her head countless times, since the night she learned she was different. Sitting back in that basement with her brother after surviving her parents attack, all Tris wondered was, what was she? There had been no one to give her an answer.

"She ain't ready for the truth," Valentin told his sister. "No point in telling her a God damn thing." He looked at Tris with sinister eyes.

It was evident he didn't want Tris joining their two person crew. Jealousy issues. Tris didn't give a shit and was on the same page as him. Minus the part where he probably also wanted her very dead. Tris rather live much longer.

"You will be like us eventually. That heart will stop and you'll no longer feel that humanity that's keeping you stuck. And you'll thank us," Jeana carried on.

"You keep saying shit like that, but I keep wondering, what makes you an expert?" Tris grimaced when she sat up straighter. She needed to eat soon.

"Because, our father worked for the government. He was trying to work on a vaccination that--"

Tris cut Jeana off. "Oh, fucking great. Like in every movie. A fucking doctor and their fucking vaccinations."

"He was trying to cure us. We contracted a virus from one of our trips three years ago. It effected our immune system. He cured us, but it also made us susceptible to the zombie fallout, but also immune in a way. He died trying to protect us from those who wanted to cut us open and experiment on us." Jeana had a lot of anger inside for human's, referring herself as non human. "And before he died, he told us what we were. Or what we'd be considered based on science terms."

"And what crazy shit was that? Because I never got any vaccinations or shots that would ever make me immune."

"Its either something already built in your immune system or given to you. Clearly, you were born with the right genetics."

This back and forth between Jeana and Tris was upsetting her stomach more. Tris couldn't believe in what she was hearing but let Jeana finish.

"You are not human. And you'll never be cured. So face that shit now. You are like us." Valentin was impatient with Tris doubts.

Hollow Graves 2 ~ No Redemption (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now