Kiko raised her eyebrow, but let him lead the way. They ran through the rain again and separated at the door. Kiko went to her room as Rin went to his.

After a long hot bath and a change into warm clothes. He ate dinner with Kiko before she left because of curfew. Rin laid in bed and his instincts were telling him that something was wrong. Rin tossed and turned throughout the night as the rain poured down. Lightning lit up the sky as the thunder clap loudly, keeping him up. He felt as if he was missing something.

Shane was kept awake as Rin was tossing and turning in bed. Shane came in a couple of times, checking in on him, however Rin told him to go back to sleep. He was just restless and couldn't go to sleep.

That whole night, his senses were telling him to find Akari. He had to find her. However because it was deep into the night, he couldn't leave his room. He silently watched as the rain came down harder and harder. To get his mind off of Akari and his gut telling him to find her. He opened up his books and read them.

When the sun rose, Rin didn't even change out of his sleeping clothes. He didn't even wear proper shoes. He ran straight to Akari room and pounded the door.

Shane had ran after Rin, wondering why he was acting so strangely. Rin pounded the door so hard that the other doors next to Akari's room opened to see what was happening.

"Akari!" Rin shouted. "Open up! Akari!"

Girls and their maids looked out their doors, questioning each other why Rin was there.

"Akari!" Rin shouted desperately. The feeling of never seeing her again came over him. "Akari!"

"Coming!" Lena shouted. "Coming!"

Lena opened the door. Her hair was wrapped in a towel as if she had gotten out of the shower. Her clothes were in disarray as if she just threw them on in a hurry.

"Akari!" Rin shouted as he pushed through Lena and went inside. Rin began to panic as he saw Akari's empty bed. "Akari!"

Rin went to the bathroom, looking if Akari was there instead, but her everything in room was empty.

"Where's Akari?" Rin asked as he looked at Lena. "Did she wake up already? Is she at the academy?"

"What are you asking about Young Master Rin?" Lena asked confused.

"Where's Akari?" Rin shouted.

"The Young Miss? She...she's gone." Lena told him.

"Gone? Gone where?" Rin shouted as he took several steps towards Lena. Lena walked back until her back hit against the wall. "Tell me now where she went!"

"Her... her Master came to get her yesterday... she already left to study at Neboto Mountain."

"But... he wasn't supposed to come until she turned 15 years old." Rin said desperately. "How could he come get her so early?"

"Young... Master Rin... today is her birthday." Lena reminded him. "He came to get her the moment she turned 15 years old."

Rin's face fell. The loud sound of thunder and the bright streaks of lightning from last night came to his mind. He felt his heart stop and a hard stone fill up it's place. Tears began to fall as he knew he should have listened to his instincts. The whole night it was telling him to find her. To see her one last time. To try to hold on to her. He felt horrible. So many years together and he forgot her birthday.

Images of Akari celebrating his birthday flooded his mind. 99 lifetime's worth of birthday celebration with Akari. 99 lifetime of him and Akari celebrating at least one birthday of his together. Never one of them, did he celebrate her birthday. It was always his birthday they celebrated. Even in this lifetime, they didn't celebrate her birthday. 99 lifetime's worth of memories, and yet he knew nothing about her. Not even now. Not even someone who he considered his friend.

"That rotten girl... she... left... disappeared without saying a word." Rin said softly. "She's gone... and I'll never be able to find her... "

Rin's tears fell down harder. He lost strength in his legs and he fell down. Shane caught him when Rin fell to his knees. Rin knelt as he cried loudly. Regret. He regretted so much. Suddenly his head started hurting. A high pitch ring rang loudly in his ear. More memories of his lifetime with Kiko and Akari filled his mind. His life with Kiko after Akari's death. Those memories... they... were not pleasant.

Rin screams at the top of his lungs as those unpleasant memories filled his mind. Betrayal after betrayal. Lies after lies. His death at the hands of Kiko. His wish to be reincarnated, so he could kill Kiko. His wish to relive his life avenging himself and his family against his enemies. His wish to not make the same mistake with Kiko and returning Akari's love. His vow to love Akari back, just as much as she loved him for 99 lifetimes. 

Darkness consumed him as he remembers the promises he made to the Gods and to himself, when he wished to redo his life over again. 

**** A/N:  This was a hard chapter for me to write bc it brought up so many feelings inside of me.  I cried a few times and had stop for a few minutes before I could continue writing. This will be my last chapter for tonight. I hope you enjoyed my mass release today.  Goodnight. -ptd xoxo

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