chapter 46

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Karan's POV

Honestly , I was surprised when the security let my car enter Jaiswal premises , I was still in their list of people to let in. I was almost sure I will be stopped. Well then ,looks like luck was on my side.

I might not have this known this place, as I should have,but it wasn't tough to find out Mia's room with the maid's help.

The shower was running, she's taking a hot shower, hot showers were her favourite even in this bloody summer. I could imagine the water droplets caressing her shape , kissing her sweet nipples , teasing her most private parts. In that moment I wanted to be that hot water ,so that I could cling to her , leave my essence on her. I was almost hard thinking of her generous body, I wonder how she would feel now? More softer ? Her boobs must be bigger now.

Oh how I wished to touch them.

A small toothy smile grabbed my attention, oh God . Andra was in the room , I didn't even realise she was in there. Mia had her crib installed beside her bed. Oh baby, I was almost ashamed for having such sinful thoughts about her mother with her in the same room. But naahh, my wife was ravishing hot.

Andra was making grabby hands at me. Her eyes had this little twinkle in them. She would be a heart breaker in the future. I knew I would have a hard time warding off boys. She mostly looked like Mia, beautiful.

"Aww is my baby happy to see me? Dadda is happy to see you?" She kept making smiling faces. She's such a sweet kid. My hair seemed fascinating to her as she kept playing with it. "Hey baby, can you tell momma to come back to dadda?" She let out a happy gurgle, maybe she also missed me. I was just walking around the room with Andra happy nuzzling my neck . The room was a mess. It had different fabrics everywhere and some baby stuff all over the place.

(Just the exact picture but imagine the guy in a three piece suit).

Mia was probably working on some project, her wall was full of pictures, some new some very old. My favourite one was that when she was holding Andra for the first time,her face was tired after 13 hours of labor but her glossy eyes spoke how happy she was to hold her baby.

It was my karma ,that I wasn't allowed to be a part of that but I wished to be a part of every events in the future. I wanted to be there when Andra would say her first word, or she would stand up for the first time. How wrong I was,when I wanted to take her away from her mother .

I was such a fool.

A small mouth around my neck and suckling motions made me almost jump in the air. I detached a small hungry mouth away from my flesh , oh God she thought I could feed her!

Her small face turned red ,ready to burst out crying when she realised that she wasn't suckling anymore. Even though it was comic I was almost horrified.

Did she think I had nipples! God .

But currently she sad face was making me restless, Mia would be out any moment now. But as selfish as it made me  for wanting to delay her feeding time , I wished Mia would be in there a little longer. I missed my baby too much . I never even got to stay with her for a day for fucks sake.

"Aww baby, don't cry . Shhh we don't want the beautiful devil to come back now . She'll take you away from me. Aww shh oh ok you can suckle on my neck . Don't cry.  Here " I was walking back and forth now , speaking completely nonsense. Andra automatically found my neck and hopefully began to suckle. I guess she would be distracted enough not to cry .

I had to be the lamest father ever.

I was looking through Mia's wardrobe, now that half of it was filled with Andra's stuff. All beautiful clothes for my baby princess, but not enough. I had better collection for her back in home . A really good looking dress caught my eyes.

I wanted to dress her up. Andra almost looked confused when her suckling session had to end and I was pulling her small body through a whitish-pink dress( A/N blush pink lighter shade guys. )

Just like an angle ,just like I thought. I found a good enough place to put her in and immediately took out my phone . These are going to be the best pictures ever the world will ever see.

After that I took several selfies together. When the door opened .

Mia's here .

"Sorry baby, momma took too long, I will just feed y-y . WTH ARE YOU DOING HERE KARAN ?" She saw me finally. "and why is she in this dress? Give her to me!"

Awh, she looked ravishing in her damp hair , that almost touched her hips and that flimsy white towel wrapped around her delicate body. My hands were itching to grab her but it's a shame we are currently in hands-off mode.

" Naah I will just keep her with me for one month and two weeks and then return to you. All right . Now that we got it covered , I will be on my way Mrs. Raichand". I intentionally said Mrs. Just to see her reaction and also so that she would have a clear idea that I had no intention of leaving her . Ever.

"What the hell is wrong with you Karan! You want to take her away from me? And what is she doing ? Why is she suckling on your neck?" Oh God . No.

It was really embarrassing, but I didn't miss how her voice shook when she said I was taking Andra away? I was just teasing her how could I ever do that to her!

"Umm she's looking for boobs. She's hungry . Here ". Mia immediately took Andra away from my hands and embraced her as if in relief . I didn't miss it. She's scared inside . She's just pretending to be brave.

"W-well please go. I will just feed her here. " Her steps were retreating . Maybe she just realized that she was just in a towel in front of me.

"Oh but you can do that infront of me. I have seen all the goodies ."

"Please Karan . I need some privacy". Her voice was back to serious. The fun time was gone.

"Okay, I will be outside. We'll talk when you are done." I took a step towards them , Mia's body was against the wall now , she had no place to run . She was so stiff , as if anticipating something.

Andra was being her usual happy self. I placed a small kiss on her chubby cheeks. She toothless smile was such a treat to the optical nerves .

I was almost outside when I couldn't stop myself from saying," Mia, you might wanna hold that ." And that gasping sound I didn't miss, before the door closed .


This part was a little fun filled. But Karan did something Major. You'll know soon .

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