chapter 19

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Karan's pov

Everything felt extremely cold . Everything was finally silent. Peace. But this silence was not the silence that comes after the storm ,but the eerie one that's always there before the storm , warning for the upcoming storm .

The night was finally done. Mia didn't want to talk about that dreadful incident and neither did I push her.

The city was finally asleep,done with the day. But ,here I was awake .

A small movement in my arms brought me back from my thoughts.

Mia. She's finally sleeping , holding me tightly in her arms. She was half lying on me, her head on my chest with her legs tangled with mine and her hand was holding my t-shirt as if her life depended on it .

I hadn't the heart to send her back to her  room tonight .

Just tonight. At least that's what I told myself.

What I didn't realize was that my hands had a mind of their one . One hand was hugging her back tightly and my other hand was caressing her soft hair lovingly.


That's a definite first time, I was letting a girl sleeping on my chest without gaining anything back and I was never into caressing someone's hair .

I thought she won't be able to sleep tonight but she actually did. She never woke up screaming , crying like I expected , she stirred occasionally but then her hold around me became a bit more tighter and she was sleeping peacefully again .

Instead here I was, who couldn't sleep a wink and stiff as a leaf waiting for the next dawn . Waiting for the time when I will get to meet Daniel.

By the time I'll be done with him he will be ashamed of being a man .

Morning came a lot later than I was hoping for. Mia was about to wake up she was stirring but unconsciously I tightened my hold. I didn't want her to go anywhere.

What! I have to take care of her. She's my friend now and mostly for my baby.

Yeah sure .

"Umm Karan , let me go". She blinked looking at me . Her morning voice was so husky .

SHIT . Down boy . My morning wood didn't need any more encouragement.

She's looking cute with her all confused face . But then she shoved me aside and rushed to the bathroom.

OH,she's gotta pee.

But then the sound of her throwing up came around. I rushed to her side and held her hair and rubbed her back .

FUCK. Today's indeed a first of many things.

"So, this thing happens every morning?" I cursed at myself mentally for sounding this clueless .

"Yeah. That's why it's called morning sickness." She gave me a small smile after washing her mouth.

Mia wanted to take a shower so she went back to her room while I also took a shower.

By the time I was ready and went downstairs Mia was already sitting in her chair waiting for her food.

"Mia, I didn't want to do this to you but babe can you tell me what exactly happened yesterday night . please?" She visibly paled .

Good job .  Karan.

I rushed to do some damage control before she could cry . "Hold on love. I need this for your statement. It will go to the police." She nodded and grabbed my hand that was on the table.

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