chapter 41

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Karan's POV

"Well , as your lawyer and friend I need to ask you this. Are you absolutely sure about this decision.?"

Everything was settled. Khanna just needed to click on the save option and we could wrap it for the night.

There was no second thoughts about it. I was finally doing something that should have been done in the very first place. I was taking one step close in my plan.

I nodded at him, without wasting any more time.

10 minutes later , I was shaking hands with khanna . We were finally done. My documents ,signed and stapled securely in a folder ,to be presented in the court in the next morning.

I returned to an empty home . Mia went to visit her father. She was apparently tired of me 'babying' her.
So, what could a married man living alone do? Obviously missing his lovely wife.

But no. Not when Dhruv came knocking on my doors.

"Dude, let's go out. You me a bar and hot girls. What do you say"?

Hell no. Mia would skin me Alive.

"No man, if it was before then I would have come. But no , never those things again. But wait a sec what happened to you.why are sounding so low? Where's that gf of yours?"

(Lol I was just watching YouTube and I was seriously about to write are you good bro?)

We were just gulping whiskey and now competing each other like mad man.

"Naah, she left me. Said I was too much to handle. Need her back. She won't listen ". Dhruv was already drunk . He was now babbling something incoherent.

Before I could help him, he was already asleep on my couch .

Well that leaves me then. Finishing the drink in my hand . I stood up.

Even though the central AC was perfectly working, I needed some fresh air. The night sky was looking as alluring as ever. The bright full moon kept the night glowing in her golden shadow . I wanted to feel the smooth and soft grass under my feet. So I took off my shoes and socks .

I started walking , and like I thought the grasses felt really good . I remembered when I was little,and my mom used to chase me around the house, even though I don't have many memories of her but one in particular was my favourite. She was chasing after me, her long hair was flying behind her and she was smiling.

I missed her. I wished I had more time with her.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. A smile automatically sported my lips . There was only one person who could call me in this time in my personal number.


And I was right , when her sweet voice came from the other side of the phone .

"Hey, did you reach home? Or are you still working?" Always the concerned wife.

"Naah , I reached. Walking in the garden . Actually". She wouldn't believe me.

"No way, I don't believe you. How come you are in my garden?"

"Wait, I will send you a selfie".

Mia's booming laughter came back after a moment. She has seen the selfie. "Hey hubby, why are you looking down?"

"Is it a good time to tell you to come back already?" I couldn't stop ,even though I promised to give her time.

"No. I told you I want to stay with dad for some days. But I miss you so much already Karan ".

"I know. I do too. Dhruv's here. He's sleeping."

" Karan did you drink?" Her voice was serious. I could have easily said no. But since I promised no more lies.

"Yes Mia. I was missing you too much. And Dhruv insisted."

"I can't leave you alone for even 2 days. You are such a baby Karan . What would I do with you? I told you not to drink. " Her loud voice was hurting my eardrums.

"Shhh Mia, not so loud. Hey babe, I am tired. I wanna sleep. Talk to me till I am asleep please". I didn't want to tell her that I was missing my mother. Why all of a sudden? No idea. But there's no need in telling her .

Closing the bed room door, I didn't bother with a shower but crushed on the bed. I could still see the full moon from my big glass window, with my beloved's smiles in my ear.

Meera aunty was serving me breakfast. Dhruv has already left. Apparently Rhea called him over. The door bell ringed.

Someone was at the door.

Some moments later, a pair of soft hands embraced me from the back.


I took a deep breath but didn't look at her. I was feigning anger at her, her punishment for leaving me alone.

She stood Infront of me, but I didn't look at her beautiful face but I was staring at her big belly . She was already 8 months along, just the last month now. That's why I was being persistent now. The docter said we needed to be careful.

"Come on babe , won't you even look at me now?" She knew I wasn't angry , I could never be at her.

"Well I guess I will have to do something about it. Maybe kiss it better".

Yeah. Come on .

She was leaning down at me , since I was sitting but there's no need of that,as I pulled her down on my lap and connected our mouths together.
I needed her so bad. The kiss was hot and heavy. It was her punishment and she took it all and responded with same vigor.

Gradually we slowed down, needing oxygen. Our breathes mingled together. I inhaled every breath she exhaled. I kissed her again this time, it was a soft kiss . I took my time, caressing every inch of her skin, that my hands could reach. I kissed her as if she would break if I rush it, our tongues danced together, massaging each other in our sweet time.

My breakfast was forgotten and now cold. Thankfully Meera aunty made a lot of food.

"So what brings you back wife, not that I am complaining!"

"Well  , I missed you so bad and then you were drinking last night. So I figured I needed to get back and set you straight".

"Yeah . But I have to go Mia right now. I got a meeting in 1 hour. So see you later babe". I leaned at her for a kiss but she turned away.

"No Karan . I am not letting you go. Spend some time with me . Please. I just got back . "Her voice was my undoing. Pure seduction it was to my nerves. "Please babe. Stay." Her voice was so sweet I couldn't say no.

It was your fault, why did you go leaving me ? I wanted to ask but instead I only nodded once again falling victim to her charms.

That's how we ended up cuddling in our bed one hour later me having my meeting in Skype and Mia with a book  lying on my lap.

Even though we planned on a very peaceful day just the two of us, it didn't go like that . Dhruv invited us on a double date with them since his girlfriend forgave him or something.

Mia was hell bent on going, she said I needed to meet with people more just not for business. So , for a change it felt good laughing and eating with friends with my beloved wrapped in my arms.


I will hopefully do a double update . Even though this chapter looked a as if not packed much, but I believe it was a sweet chapter and this chapter has something very important in it. Very important. You guys will know.

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