chapter 43

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Karan's POV

My phone ringed in such awful hour, I didn't pay any attention to it. I was already half asleep when it started going off like crazy once more.

The bright 3:00 am in the digital watch glowed in the dark, who could be calling me now?

My phone started ringing again, there was no point in avoiding the call anymore, I was wide awake already.
The caller name flashing in the scream nearly gave me a heart attack.

Mr. Jaiswal is calling. Mia's dad.

The words he uttered once I picked his call,left me shocked.

The baby was coming. Mia went into an early labor. But the doctor was sure that she'd complete the cycle. Then did something happen? Last I talked to her around 11 pm and she was perfectly all right.

Anyways,if our baby was coming earlier that's better, but I needed to reach her as soon as possible. She was already worried about the delivery.
There's just no time to waste.

Anurag picked up my call in the second ring. He was sleeping. I didn't even had it in me to apologise.
"Arrange my flight back to Mumbai asap. You get it, I wanna leave within an hour. "

An hour later I was finally boarding my flight, he was a very efficient assistant indeed.
I couldn't keep still. Finally I was becoming a father. Oh damn , I still couldn't believe it.
Time seemed to slow down for me, the next 12 hours was just not passing by. I just hoped Mia was doing well there.

Mia's dad said she was in labor for already 5 hours when he could actually reach me.

What felt like an eternity later, my flight finally landed. My car was rushing as fast as traffic rules allowed. After 13 so stressful hours, I finally reached the hospital. Everything was taken care of, media has no inkling of idea that Mia was brought here, my security team did a very good job fending off the paparazzi.

When I reached the top floor ,that was exclusively booked for my wife, I could already hear her screams. She was in so much pain. The doctors said just 2 more hours and she'll be ready to push. I couldn't go to her,since she refused to let me in. Whatever was going on with her! It's better to give her whatever she wanted. So I stayed away .

One specific information  made me see red that Mia was found fainted in my study room, she took a fall resulting in her early labor. Thank God she was fine and nothing happened to the baby.
Then as if struck by the lightening realization dawned up on me.

She didn't. Did she?

No . Just no. God couldn't be this cruel. How did I forget about that folder that was in the same drawer. Was it possible that she had seen everything.

No. Just no. I couldn't live with myself if she left me. At this point I was ready to go on my knees and pray to the Divine Almighty. I couldn't see my world breaking apart in front of me. But there's also the possibility of her not seeing anything.
Please God, don't let her know anything.

I didn't even know when the last 2 hours were over and Mia started crying even hard. Her screams were piercing our ears but we couldn't do anything. I wasn't allowed inside,unless she asked for me. Which  she didnot.

Why ? Why now? Please don't let her Know anything.

I hand and a reassuring squeeze on my shoulder, made me shift my attention to that hand ,then to the owner of it. Mia's dad was trying to soothe my restlessness. But little did he know the battle I was fighting inside.

"It's okay , she'll be fine ,just a few more minutes." I couldn't say anything back in return. My voice seemed to close down on me.
I could only manage a nod in response.

Like he said a few minutes later, Mia screamed for the last time and everything was as if on pause for a second. Then I heard the sweetest cry of my newborn baby .

My baby.
I was a father now .
The feeling was so overwhelming , I forgot everything about it. Just the new wailing of the beautiful life mattered. I promised I would be a better father than mine ever was .

Mr. Jaiswal pulled me in a hug,"I am a grandpa now. Thank you son ". When he pulled away all the emotions came rushing back.

The guilt, the horror,the joy everything, my body felt too heavy for my feet to carry. I needed to seat down suddenly.

The doctor came smiling from the delivery room. We were all surrounding her in a second,"How is my wife doctor?" This was the first question automatically came out.

"Congratulations Mr. Raichand. Your wife is perfectly fine and so is your daughter. Mia had some problems delivering her, some internal bleeding. But don't worry,she's perfectly fine now. She's resting,but once she's up you can all meet them. But please don't overstress her. Excuse me."

Wow. I made a daughter. My daughter, a junior Mia. I could already imagine how beautiful she must be, without even looking at her. My own little princess.

I was worried too about Mia, she was bleeding but the doctor said she will get better .

Oh love, just wake up.

She woke up after some time and her father was called in . WTH?
Then Zoha and her boyfriend everyone was called in. But not me! Didn't I deserve to see my child before all this people?

And then finally when I got a chance Mia didn't want to see anyone else! I was sure now, she had seen those papers. My prayers went all unanswered.

At least let me see my baby. God . Please.

Finally my prayers were answered. Mia was asleep and her nurse let me enter. I was sitting outside her room ,all alone. Everyone else left, they all needed rest. Since I was there, they finally went away leaving me in my internal misery.

It is actually quite weird, when there's no one else to blame. You only have yourself to blame. How I wished , I could go back in time and stop myself before it was too late,but that was only wishful thinking. In reality I was a disgusting man.  The nurse was older , she took pity on me and said she was leaving for a break , giving me a clue to enter in her absence.

The room was silent and dimly lit. I didn't even stop to look at my baby but I sat beside my beautiful and tired sleeping wife. Her face had tear stains. She had been crying.

All my fault. I needed her to listen to me, but she wasn't even ready to look at me. I pressed a small kiss on her closed eyelids . Then another one on her forehead .

"Thank you", I mumbled against her skin. She didn't need to Know that I was here, unless she wanted to. She needed to rest . It felt weird now when I touched her belly. It was flat once again, leaving every evidence of her ever carrying a life inside.

A small fussing sound came from beside her bed. My baby was waking up. It's time to meet her .

A small name tag beside her small cot was kept, so that everyone knew what her name was .

Andra Raichand. A beautiful name ,for a beautiful soul.
Mia chose a very beautiful name indeed.

She was squirming,her small face was turning red ,she was about to wail and wake up Mia.

No no no.what to do.

As gently as I could manage I picked her up and craddled her against me.
Andra maybe recognized me or something,she again went back to sleeping peacefully, dreaming of well whatever kids dream of.

Placing a soft kiss on her forehead , I placed her back on her cot. She's a sweet kid. Must have taken after her momma.

My queen was resting. It was time to say goodbye,the nurse was coming back again . I placed a small kiss on her lips,before I pulled back ,"Night,my love. You made me the happiest man alive. I am sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me. "

I walked outside, I couldn't be more wrong if I say I imagine the sniffles I heard ,when I closed the door behind me.


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