➳ sixty-seven

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Three days.

It has been three days since the gym incident, and because of their friends' countless protests, they were now gathered at the cafeteria, awaiting for the two to say something.

"So..." Chaeyoung started, quite irritated that no one was saying anything. The rest just stared at her and she couldn't help but sigh. "You guys are forgetting the reason we're here" she added, before looking at two persons who were sitting beside each other (well, forced to sit next to each other, it was Sana's idea this time).

Jihyo cleared her throat before beginning. "It's really nothing." she said, dishonesty evident in her voice. The rest just eyed her, surely not falling for her attempt.

"What? I'm telling the tru-" her mouth was then covered by the boy beside her, before continuing, or rephrasing rather, her words.

"We made a bet on who planned the gym thing—Ouch!" Yoongi finished his sentence before shouting in pain, caused by Jihyo who bit his hand that was covering her mouth.

The rest just exchanged glances, some even preventing themselves from laughing too hard. You could say tried to prevent, since Nayeon broke the silence by laughing loud, enough to be noticed by the other students occupying the cafeteria.

It took Nayeon a minute to calm down from laughing, with the help of her friends hushing her, stopping from further embarrassing their group.

"That's an easy win for Jihyo!" she exclaimed, and Jihyo hurriedly stood up. "If you have picked—"Nayeon said, but was immediately cut off by an overly excited Jihyo. "It's you! I knew it!" Jihyo jumped happily, but Nayeon and the rest just stared at her.  She noticed her other friends and stopped jumping. "Wait? I thought-"

"Jihyo sweetie," Chaeyoung said, followed by Dahyun. "It's actually Tzuyu. I thought you'd actually know." she said, with a shrug.

Jihyo's jaw dropped, not expecting the sudden turn of events. "H-huh?" she gulped, not wanting to look at the amused boy beside her.

"Well if you would've let me finish, you wouldn't expect it to be me~" Nayeon teased, sticking her tongue out. "Long story short, Nayeon's plan backfired and we had to use MY idea." Tzuyu said, proud that it was her own doing.

Jihyo looked like her soul has left her as she stood aimlessly, horror written in her face.

"So... Jihyo lost, huh?" Hoseok asked. In front of them was Jihyo who was totally stunned, and Yoongi who seemed very delighted, smiling like a fool.

"Yeah." the rest just agreed.

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