➳ twenty-eight

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They were only a few minutes away from their destined stop, Jihyo still hasn't woken up. And of course, Yoongi had watched over her, not letting his eyes wander somewhere else.

With Yoongi still staring at Jihyo, the boy slowly noticed her stirring from her sleep. She has finally awoke. He slowly helped her sit straight and stroked her hair so carefully, in which the sudden action caused the girl to flinch.

The girl definitely felt uneasy, but Yoongi understood, she's gone through a lot today. He shrugged the thought off and just greeted the now-awake girl.

Not long after, the bus halted to a stop; it was time to get off, so they made their way down and left, Yoongi not minding the stares they had, but Jihyo thought it was a big deal; why would people look at them that way?

The walk to Jihyo's house was quiet, with Jihyo taking the lead, and Yoongi following just a few steps behind. The two would occasionally exchange useless opinions, and just a minute after, the conversation has died down.

Soon enough, they were just a few houses away from hers. Yoongi's heart sunk, he couldn't possibly tell her he did that so he can have what he wishes. That was indeed a selfish yet the only approach, but still his heart felt heavy at the thought of hurting Jihyo.

With his mind floating somewhere, he did not notice the girl's calls, waving her hand in front of his face.
"Hello?! Earth to Min Yoongi!" her usually loud voice was now barely noticeable by him. He was lost in his thoughts.

Worry started to creep up Jihyo's face, she continued waving her hand, trying to get his attention back. She tried waiting for him to get back to his senses, shouting and doing everything to shake him off.

Unknowingly, Yoongi caught Jihyo's wrist, pulling her towards him and engulfing her in a hug. It was breathtaking, Jihyo couldn't breathe because of how tight it was. After trying to break free to no avail, she finally gave up resisting.

She slowly, hesitatingly, brought her arms up, reciprocating the hug with lesser intensity.

They stood there under the moonlight, just the moon and them.

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