➳ fifty-four

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Yoongi's house was just a few minutes from the park, making them reach it in no time. The two hurriedly got out, preventing their already soaking clothes from getting wetter.

"Make yourself at home. I'll just grab us some clothes, you can use the bathroom over there." Yoongi pointed towards a room for Jihyo to change in.

In a span of ten minutes, Jihyo was now comfortably wearing one of Yoongi's shirts. It was two sizes larger than her, the shirt's end resting just above her knees. She was sprawled across the couch, taking the 'make yourself at home' phrase seriously.

Yoongi, on the other hand, is busy preparing a hot drink in the kitchen. He thanked the heavens for having a stock of hot chocolate, and also made a mental note of buying a new pack.

The hot beverages were then carried to the table infront of the sofa where Jihyo was currently lying. The moment she noticed the drink, she immediately got up, abandoning the drama being shown on the television.

"Hey, this doesn't taste poisonous at all!" Jihyo commented as she took a sip from the mug, earning a glare from the guy. "Nice way of complimenting you have, Miss Park." Yoongi retorted, effectively making Jihyo choke on her drink.

This led to a series of laugh, with them being careful to not spill their drink. That soon died though, and the two eventually met each other's gazes.

Jihyo blinks. Yoongi does too.

She snorts and there they go again with the laughter. Honestly, the more they spent time together, the more they felt lighter being with the other.

The second round of laughing died down, and they had finally finished their drinks, Yoongi insisted on cleaning a bit, so Jihyo was left alone in the living room.

Jihyo switched through different channels aimlessly, every show felt very boring to watch. She was about to change the channel once again but a sound caught her attention.

Yoongi's phone which was on the table lit up, followed with a small 'ding' sound. Jihyo, being driven with her curiosity, scrambled closer to his phone, originally planning on just peeking.

The notification required to unlock the phone in order to take a look at it. Jihyo huffed, before reaching for the phone and unlocking it (it's quite an advantage for her since Yoongi doesn't lock his phone with a password).

She hovered through the notification, leading herself through his messages. Just this one, this shouldn't be an invasion of privacy.

She smiled as she saw the message sender. It was just Jungkook who was asking his hyung if he was doing anything. Jihyo felt happy seeing the two's friendship.

But happiness doesn't last long.

Just as she was about to exit, a certain thread of messages stopped her from doing so. She scrolled upwards, loading more and more of the messages. Her finger was then halted, stopping at a message not too long ago, from the day she didn't want to remember anymore.

She clutched his phone tightly, a series of overflowing emotions circling her inside.

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