➳ forty-three

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Jihyo groaned as she sat up in her bed, stretching her arms out. She let out a satisfied yawn, happy to get a good sleep. Jihyo relaxed her body as she reminisced what happened last night.


After talking and chatting with the boys, they have parted their ways, Yoongi insisted to go with Jihyo, who decided to just walk tonight.

With them were Dahyun and Chaeyoung, whose houses were just a few blocks away from Jihyo's, they decided it was easier for them, plus it will make them sure that Jihyo was okay.

The four set off after saying goodbyes to their other friends.

A few minutes to their walk, Yoongi would catch glances to the person beside him, who obviously was Jihyo. She tried not to notice him, focusing her gaze towards the street.

The 'DubChaeng' duo were a few steps behind, not too close, and not too far. They would constanly exchange whispers, to which Jihyo wouldn't understand, that pretty much irritated her.

Turning at another direction, Jihyo's gaze didn't stray on the street, she thought it looks great right now.

A nudge from Yoongi destroyed her unwavering gaze from the path. She glared at him, before looking straight again.

"Hey, do you think the two would mind if I hold your hand?" Yoongi whispered, just enough for Jihyo to hear.

The girl's mood instantly lit up, giggling as she hear his question.

"Go figure then." Jihyo replied, although she still didn't look at him.

And that's Yoongi's go sign.

Instead of reaching for her hand, though. He went to wrap his arm around her instead, making the girl flinch in the process.

She turned at him to ask what he was doing, but she was cut off by the snickering and squealing of the duo at the back.

The two looked back, seeing Dahyun and Chaeyoung high-five each other, exchanging looks of victory, and a soft "I knew it!" from Chaeyoung.

They eventually reached their block, saying farewells to Jihyo and Yoongi, and Dahyun teasingly warned the two, "No funny business tonight! Bye!", before running inside and closing her door.

The two just exchanged curious glances, the hint of pink shown on Jihyo's cheeks, and just laughed it off. Dahyun can really be a crackhead at times, scratch that, maybe all times.

Jihyo and Yoongi continued their walk, his arm never leaving her body, and it somehow made Jihyo feel protected.

The two reached her house safely, with Yoongi turning Jihyo around to also wrap his other hand, engulfing her in a hug.

"Good night." he muttered in the embrace, before he let go.

Jihyo smiled, waving goodbye to him, and not forgetting to tell him to be careful.


She flushed bright at the memory, shaking her head and cupping her cheeks. Now's not the time for this. Jihyo stood up and prepared herself for school.

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