➳ thirty-seven

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"Okay we're seriously going home now." Yoongi reminded, dragging Jihyo away from the arcade.

"That was fun!" Jihyo squealed, her excitement gauge still filled up.

The cheerful Jihyo never stopped on talking until they have reached Yoongi's car, which Yoongi assisted Jihyo in the passenger seat, being a gentleman, he said.

Once settled, they drove away.


The ride isn't silent at all, Jihyo didn't even show a hint of tiredness in her, as she continued to ramble about random things, and that owl stuffed toy still stuck in her embrace.

Yoongi couldn't do anything but listen, and chuckle, sometimes even reply with a proper answer rather than just a nod.

"So..." Jihyo has started yet another conversation. Yoongi didn't mind though, he always enjoyed her company.

"Can I ask you when did you get this? It can't be yesterday, since we got home late, and it can't be today, since the shop is closed at the hour you came." Jihyo questioned, the stuffed toy slightly raised from her lap.

Yoongi hummed, tapping the steering wheel as he made a stop, they were at Jihyo's house. He looked over to her, eyes filled with curiosity.

"The day you couldn't pick one toy at that shop." The answer was straightforward, the one that Jihyo wanted.

As her eyes lit up in realization, she gasped, "So you're the one who was stalking me that day!", giving Yoongi a light smack afterwards.

"Who said I was stalking? There's a thing called coincidence'" he stuck his tongue out, earning an eye roll as a response from Jihyo.

"Anyway, we're at your house already, why aren't you going out?" he asked Jihyo, who isn't even getting ready for going outside.

Jihyo blinked, processing what he had just said, before releasing a small 'oh', and hurriedly getting her stuff.

"I had lots of fun today, thank you so much!" Jihyo grinned as she opened the door.

Before even getting out, she was pulled inside again, her wrist being grasped. Jihyo turned her head, looking at him in confusion.

"Grabbing my wrist became your habit. What is it now?" Jihyo uttered, awaiting a response from the silent Yoongi.

But nothing, she heard nothing. All he did was to quickly lean forward, pecking Jihyo's cheek, and smiling in victory.

Caught off-guard, Jihyo's cheeks had turned a bright color, she looked away in hopes of him not noticing it.

"Returning your token of appreciation." Yoongi just chuckled, watching a now flustered Jihyo making her way towards the door.

Once he's sure that Jihyo has made it home safely, he had drove off to his house, the feeling of happiness never leaving him.

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